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Everything posted by Bvilela

  1. +1 we need more coins for win streak
  2. Username:BVilela Server:Silver Timezone:GMT+2
  3. Player name: BVilela Showdown name: BVilela Server: Silver Timezone: GMT +1 Rank on ladder: 16
  4. BAN BVilela Silver
  5. Player name: BVilela Showdown name:BVilela Server: silver Rank on ladder: 17 Timezone: GMT+2
  6. Player name: BVilela Server you are on: Silver Timezone (in GMT): +2
  7. i will buy that one
  8. I have lost my whole party of pokemons trying to doing mega gengar quest in hard mode . Mew Darkrai Togekiss Kadabra Naive Sync And i don't remember the rest of the team.
  9. @FrostyjoeReborn pm in discord bvilela#2714
  10. Time: 1 days after start. Start offer-1m min bid- 200k Available Payments: Coin Capsules (400k) and Pokedollars insta- 3m
  11. BVilela#2714 pm in discord when you come online
  12. start b.o 500k Insta: 1,5m by Tetsuyama96 Min Raise:100k 48 hours after start. sold.
  13. Battle tower reward system say you receive 25 pve coins and 0 itens i wanna know if is bug or normal now?
  14. thank you i have stop for 1 year and i forgot .
  15. I can't use dig ?
  16. I have get latios and latias dex in pvp. I have try found latias but i can't found. So I tried to go on the moon and capture jirachi . But now i can't get latios because tv say this all time. https://prntscr.com/hv516y
  17. I will stay online for the next 5 hours.
  18. https://prntscr.com/hsxevo I accidentally deleted. Blue server . GMT +1 Paris
  19. Re: Sell Epic Cofragrigus Max def 27 spdef. Epic Tank <t>750k .</t>
  20. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 29/11/17 - Pewdie and Diepy Added! - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <t>Suhuzen team <br/> <br/> Staraptor (intimidate) - brave bird close combat<br/> <br/> Diggersby - ice punch return earthquake<br/> <br/> PorygonZ - Petal Blizzard Psychock Focus bladt <br/> <br/> Heliolisk -Thunderbolt <br/> <br/> Explound- Hyper Voice <br/> <br/> Regigigas - Heavy dlam Giga Impact Fire Punch Ice Punch</t>
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