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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. S. O 500k Min raise 100k 24 hours Cc-380k Rr-700k
  2. Auction started from this bid and ends after 48 from bid's post. GL
  3. Auction Starting Offer - 500k Insta Bid - No Insta Min Raise - 50k Duration - 48 hours from the starting bid. Acceptable payment Poke dollars Coin Capsules - 400k IV Reroll - 650K IGN: Alfatrion1980s Good Luck and have fun!
  4. Start 1k
  5. Looking for offers for these, you can contact me here, ingame and on discord. Discord-Alfatrion1980s#9844
  6. Sold in game
  7. 9 mins to end, if anyone bids 15 mins rule gets on
  8. Ends in around 1 hour 50 mins
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