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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. Around 4 hours left
  2. Sorry bro, I don't do services.
  3. Already sold in auction last week, forgot to update it.
  4. Auction will end 48 hours after this post.
  5. Auction Starting Offer - 1k Insta Bid - null Min Raise - 1k Duration - 48hours from the starting bid. Acceptable payment Poke dollars Coin Capsules - 400k IV Reroll - 650K IGN: Alfatrion1980s Good Luck and have fun!
  6. Noted, 48 hours from now(GMT+5:30)
  7. Auction Starting Offer - 1k Insta Bid - 2.5m Min Raise - 1k Duration - 48hours from the starting bid. Acceptable payment Poke dollars Coin Capsules - 400k IV Reroll - 650K IGN: Alfatrion1980s Good Luck and have fun!
  8. Start-300k Min raise-50k Insta- Null CC-400k RR-700k 24 hours auction
  9. removed and edited, sorry I was just frustated.
  10. I took a break down there to trade him -_-
  11. You commented late and therefore lost.
  12. Auction started at (IST)Sunday 11:55 PM and Ended on Monday 11:55 PM, he won the auction with 600k bid.
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