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Everything posted by Aladdino

  1. Hello, This is a great idea for those who actually use day care services. Sincerely, Aladdin
  2. Hello, This is very amazing. Hopefully, we can get some awesome pokemon from it. Sincerely, Aladdin
  3. Hello Dashy, Follow this steps: 1- 2- 3- Click Apply and you are done. Sincerely, Aladdin
  4. Hello Djalham, I also would like to Thank all the staff and especially developers who made this game. Thank you All. Sincerely, Aladdin
  5. Hello sthatiks, Welcome to PRO and enjoy! Sincerely, Aladdin
  6. Hello HiiragiAsuka, Welcome to PRO, I am sure you will enjoy the game because it is the best MMO Pokemon game. Sincerely, Aladdin
  7. Hello AmeryllRowe, Welcome back and I am sure you will enjoy the game again. Sincerely, Aladdin
  8. Hello Furtifk, I think bosses are a good source of money and rare Pokemon because some can give you shiny on the third kill. Plus I heard there is a higher chance of getting a shiny pokemon from Bosses in general. Sincerely, Aladdin
  9. Hello Pandattack, That was brilliant work. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  10. Hello, That is a really nice pokemon you got for sale. Good luck. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  11. Hello monhuntress, I have to say that your idea is great and having a backpack is actually the right thing in a Pokemon game. +1 to your Idea. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  12. Hello, I got today an Absol from Feral Site's Shiny rock. Sincerely, Aladdin
  13. Hello Artoriel, I apologize. There was a misunderstanding. I thought from what players told me that you actually get a Master ball and rare candies from Buck. They never mention that he takes and gives back. Sorry for all this mess caused by that misunderstanding and hope you have a lovely and great day. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  14. Dear Artoriel, Those 3 master balls that I have are from winter event and I had the 56 rare candies from before. You can check the Heatran that I caught, I actually used an Ultra ball to catch it. I am not here to make lies or to waste anyone's time. I don't care for the Master ball or the rare candies either, what I care about most are respect and trust. Have a nice day. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  15. Hello, It seems there is currently a bug with Heatran quest where Buck is disappeared after defeating lvl 99 Heatran and speaking to him without him giving out Masterball and rare candies. SS # 1 And the other Buck stays in the Big Hall Room. SS # 2 Hope this can be fixed. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  16. Hello, I think all I used was a Chansey to beat Hannah. Don't remember though because I do have other strong Pokemon. Sincerely, Aladdin
  17. Hello, You guys need to send the scanner to Captain Stern in Slateport Museum. Enjoy everyone. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  18. Hello FearKl, I hope you the best on your academic journey. I hope that every dream you have will come true. Take care always and try to have fun always. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  19. Hello 9oomy, Very well done. It looks amazing. Great work from you both. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  20. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Hello, Snor... I mean PreHax, :D<br/> <br/> Hope you are doing great bro. I wish the best luck for everyone. [Don't include me here please, just wanted to appreciate ur thread].<br/> <br/> Sincerely,<br/> Aladdin Marzouk</t>
  21. Hello Shary, I see Great then. Thank you so much for your reply :). Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  22. Hello there, There is a bug where the move Curse [Ghost Type] actually inflicts damage to Normal Type Pokemon. For example, check Gastly against normal type Pokemon. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  23. Hello mamadousakho, 1- What is your computer Specs? 2- You can play other games fine? 3- Did PRO work properly in the past? Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  24. Hello Kibitz, This is an awesome PVP Pokemon you have there. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
  25. Hello Arkos, Thank you so much and God bless you. Hello burner1115, Thank you so much and God bless you. I am enjoying my time really ^^. Hello elyas2016, Thank you so much and God bless you. Hello qtpky001, Thank you so much and God bless you. Sincerely, Aladdin Marzouk
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