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Everything posted by Testarossaa

  1. i dont have any pokemon in my party how i am supposed to proceed forward in the quest ? i quit dark realm by mistake and went in later found out i dont have any party
  2. nice guild btw big fan of lord 0danobunaga
  3. This is what i called best delphox
  4. Hi, today I would like to sell this lucario Start offer 2m Min bid 300k I accept these trade method : - CC : 350k - Rerol iv : 700k This is a cross server auction but silver players must transfer to gold to do the agreement. Remember you CAN NOT cancel the bid if you already offered . Good luck to all !
  5. ● What's your Name/IGN? Hoangnguyenbao ● How old are you? Im 18 years old ● Are you active in Discord? Yes , I use it everyday ● Where are you from? Vietnam ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? I started PRO in 2017 and have around 1k4 hours now . I play it mostly everyday for around 2/3 hours. ● What's your goal in PRO? I wanna be a better pvper and reach the ladder someday ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I want a guild with good pvpers that I can learn from them . ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? My favoutite mon is tyranitar because it's fat and cool :v (I also have a collection of tyranitar contains all nature from useless to epic =]] ) ● What's your favorite animal and why? I don't know , I don't like animal much Thx for reading my application !
  6. IGN : hoangnguyenbao 1254h played time My fav poke is tyranitar Im 16 years old
  7. 150k for ludicolo?
  8. I dont use discord anymore . Will pm u in game . ^^
  9. hey bro . I wtb the 180k crawdawnt
  10. Hi, I wtb these Guts ada 168 spd evs trained Conkeldurr H.a timid serperior Naive hydreigon H.a impish chomp I buy pre evos too Pm me via discord NguyenBao #2166
  11. IGN : hoangnguyenbao Number of hours played: 870h Favourite pokemon : Excadrill How old are u : 16 Birthday : 18 08 2004
  12. Sorry , but can I cancel the offer, I got something cheaper
  13. Hi. I wtb the hp fire roserade. PM me ingame : /pm hoangnguyenbao
  14. Accept 100k for tentacruel?
  15. Hi, I wtb the 50k gible
  16. Nvm, I got 150k, will pm u in game
  17. Can u keep it for me for 1-2 days? got 130k now. U can sell it if u got higher offer
  18. Accept 150k for 81??
  19. Can I download PRO for IOS ?
  20. Accept 280k for the 22 spatk magnezone?
  21. my ING: hoangnguyenbao Number of hours played: 510h Favourite Pkm: Excadrill Im 15 years old Date of Birth 18 August Hope I can join your guild ^^
  22. and sap sipper ability too
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