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Everything posted by Gaidevoir

  1. Hi, I sell this porygon-z. Bo start: 1m5. :thanks:
  2. Bo win 8m by Nameless.
  3. Okay, bo time end 24h now. :Angel:
  4. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Allow or Ban from ranked PvP or not? <t>Ban +1</t>
  5. Hi, i sell this shiny gardevoir: Bo start: 8m. Insta: 11m. :thanks:
  6. Re: Politoed h.a, starmie 31 speed and gardevoir. <r>Bump <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  7. Re: Shiny Drapion !!! <t>i offer 1m5</t>
  8. Maribella: "$username" i think is the player name not "$username" For check cooldown time.
  9. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [30+ new spawns ~ 8/7/2017]◄ <t>Hi,<br/> Skamory ~ level19 sync required ~ Route 113 ~ Morning/Day/Night ~ non MS <br/> <br/> With pokemon lvl 19, magcargo lvl 20 spawn. I test with pokemon lvl 21 in first and only skamory spawn i think lvl 21 is the best for repel trick skamory. (For a shiny.)</t>
  10. Re: Good shinys pvp. <r><QUOTE author="jeisson5" post_id="422596" time="1501958912" user_id="99243"><s> </e></QUOTE> You win the bo 3m for the shuckle. Contact me ig. <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  11. Re: Good shinys pvp. <r><QUOTE author="jeisson5" post_id="422596" time="1501958912" user_id="99243"><s> </e></QUOTE> Bo end 48h now. <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  12. Re: Good shinys pvp. <t>Bump, i restart the bo for politoed because Blasquito probably fake offer.</t>
  13. Re: Good shinys pvp. <r><QUOTE author="Blasquito" post_id="418863" time="1501331181" user_id="1425702"><s> </e></QUOTE> You win the bo 3m5 for the politoed, contact me ig. :)</r>
  14. Re: Good shinys pvp. <r><QUOTE author="Blasquito" post_id="418863" time="1501331181" user_id="1425702"><s> </e></QUOTE> Bo end 48h left. <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  15. Hi, i wts goods shiny for pvp: Bo start: 3m. Insta: 6m. Bo end: 48h with the first offer. Bo start: 10m. Insta: 15m. Bo end: 48h with the first offer. :thanks: :Grin:
  16. Oh c'est moi qui dit tg=t'es gentil, copiteur. :o Sabo tu vas nous manquer, on va dire à qui "sale arab" maintenant ? :o On va te spam sur discord. :Angel:
  17. Re: Shiny gardevoir bold h.a. <r>Bump <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  18. i start turtwig shiny 5m.
  19. New topic
  20. Hi, I sell this beautiful skuntank shiny: Bo start: 2m5. Insta: Add soon. Time end: 48h with the first offer. :thanks:
  21. Misty give a "shelios" but the real name is shellos. :p
  22. Re: Garbodor shiny. <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15" post_id="390411" time="1495876928" user_id="2580"><s> </e></QUOTE> <E>:thanks:</E> Bro.</r>
  23. You are a good guy because you help all players even the unknow. :) (Sorry bad english xD)
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