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Everything posted by Veqz

  1. start bid
  2. ohh solded sorry for my post
  3. still open for sale???
  4. 350k
  5. What is your Discord tag? Veqz#7308 How often do you use Discord? mostlyevery day If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Reactions and discord events :D
  6. update looking for a valentines day nidoran m idc about ivs nature etc. hit me up..
  7. miss posted sorry.
  8. WTS 2 Decent Timid eevee's // 1 Decent Impish eevee 1. Decent Timid Eevee: s.o 75k insta 150k 2. Decent Timid Eevee: s.o 50k insta 100k 3. Decent Impish Eevee: s.o 100k insta 250k
  9. Still need this service hit me up pls
  10. still needthis hit me up..
  11. how much for darma / ninetales?
  12. I'll ask our Daycare service Providers to contact you :smile: contact me throught forum pm pls
  13. Username: Veqz EV : (yes/no) > if yes put needed evs: No evs needed Leveling: (yes/no), Yes lvl 77 to 95 tutor service: (yes/no) i dont really understand this. Screenshot of your poke:https://prnt.sc/iepndj
  14. title says it all hit me up here or ingame
  15. Hello :Smile: Please mention the Pokemon(s) you want to be leveled up. Mention if you want to EV train it. If so, what EVs do you want to be trained. Thank you :Smile: look your post
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