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Everything posted by Tren

  1. Fast and trusted guy . Dont be a shy write him guys
  2. +1
  3. Hi everybody my nickname and ign is Tren .im 27 years old and from Hungary (noo noo im not Hungry) my playtime is 1694hour and this time i like collect pokemons and do bosses and do storys . I can offer my lend service like boss or pvp mons ,i can do story service too if u need . And my best service is a friend service haha if u boring just write me i can talk mutch soo if u want talk with someone dont be a shy ^^ blue Bidoof my best!!
  4. Hi i wanna buy your rain dish squirtle for 80k . Can i get it?
  5. 210k
  6. Hi 200k for ambipom?
  7. Wtb h.a dragonite adamant 31-30 all stat 27+ //50m+// pm to Tren or Bekkistvan
  8. Wtb h.a garchomp jolly 31-30 all stat 27+ //50m+// pm to :Bekkistvan or Tren
  9. 31atk trapinch and venipede i got discount? im your recurrent buyer
  10. Hi Bro i wanna buy again pokes u can write me in PRO? Thank u
  11. Hi i want to buy a 400k shiny tenta. A kabuto and 350k tangrow i can get a discount of 3 poke?
  12. Hi 300k for thick fat mamo?
  13. I need a 500k mantine +shiftry too . 1m for 3?
  14. Hi hii again me 450k for jolly gallade? Pm me ingame pls
  15. hi wtb 100k electrike timid h.a ground 23spd
  16. hi wtb a 400k trained torkoal and 400k starmie u can giv me in 700k?
  17. hi wtb a30k jolly pachirisu ty
  18. hi wtb the jolly scoutland and ada aggron 400k full?
  19. Hi reroll ticket + 230k by Tren
  20. Hi i want to buy a 50k hawluca im Tren in game too . Write me pls
  21. Hi guys i wtb guzzlord trash . I need low price . In Game name:Tren or write here! Ty
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