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Everything posted by Cheefsweetleef

  1. Ingame name: CheefSweetLeef Server: silver When was your PVP match and against who?: Unsure but around the same as the rest. I had played various matches that day. Side note I think C0mp was my opponent for a couple of the matches where we lost money. Screenshot (optional) How much money did you lose due to the PVP bug? Around 1 million
  2. Farewell and good luck super!
  3. Still waiting on my money being returned and basically frustrated with the game so not playing much.
  4. Hey Phaggu. Still looking for a guild man? Here is predators discord for you. Welcome back! https://discord.gg/fZgzmW
  5. Well the reroll tickets were handed out! That means we are getting moved up on the list haha. Good luck and bump!
  6. Hello, If it has been long enough you may need to merge your accounts in the dashboards as the servers were changed. https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ Hope thise helps you and good luck!
  7. They also have yet to give out tickets for the last world quest event. Who knows what else they are behind on. Seems like they are being to ambitious right now? With all the changes and updates going on. Compared to how big of a team they have? Who knows at this point haha. I am quickly losing faith in the managers of this game. Seems to be the trend lately with a lot of players. Good luck to us all anyways on getting a quick resolution!
  8. I am worried as well as I may have to stop playing for a bit soon and will be unable to make sure it is back. It really is a bother in general to lose access to what is rightfully yours due to someone elses error and never get compensated by those that caused it. I think we have all been very patient but this is becoming a bit shady at this point. I hope this will be solved in the next couple of days for everyones sake.
  9. Welcome back! https://discord.gg/XSnSJf
  10. Welcome! https://discord.gg/XSnSJf
  11. Welcome! https://discord.gg/XSnSJf
  12. Welcome back! Check out our guild discord! https://discord.gg/XSnSJf
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