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Everything posted by Cheefsweetleef

  1. Still awaiting a response and return of lost money. Thanks and have a good day/night.
  2. Hello, Make sure it didn't just count it as a victory. Sometimes it happens! Good luck!
  3. Hello, You appear to have the right version. Have you tried logging in from another device to see if it may be the phone itself? Good luck!
  4. Any word on a fix for this?
  5. I'm down over 1m coins. T.T
  6. It does this quite often. Just try and be patient. Good luck!
  7. Bump. Added ferrothorn!
  8. bump. Lowered price of Chansey
  9. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/556915063563354133/587393073420697611/unknown.png accidental release. Thank you
  10. Welcome! https://discord.gg/Sh2Yfu
  11. Welcome to the game! https://discord.gg/Sh2Yfu
  12. Welcome back! https://discord.gg/Sh2Yfu
  13. Welcome to the game. Hope you enjoy it! https://discord.gg/Sh2Yfu
  14. Wrong server lol! Welcome back though :)
  15. Welcome to the game! Try joining a guild and maybe some discord channels to get the best help! https://discord.gg/smmu6W Have a good day.
  16. Good luck! hope to see you soon.
  17. Bump. Chansey still available
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