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Everything posted by Cheefsweetleef

  1. Edit Azumarill sold! 250k
  2. Did you try opening with a different device to see if that was the issue?
  3. Did you try using a different device to see if that may be the issue?
  4. Bump! lowered prices on Chanseys!
  5. Hello, Are you saying the game crashes on you when a battle is started? Thanks in advance!
  6. Did you go to the dashboard and merge your account to a server before logging on?
  7. The server is just down right now. Be patient!
  8. The server is just down right now. Be patient everyone!
  9. Also i think that is wrong ability for Jolteon it will be quick feet instead of volt absorb if I am not mistaken?
  10. hello, Do you have a pokemon that knows surf in your party or a surf mount? You need one or the other. Hope this helps and good luck!
  11. Hello, We invite all players to come improve through our discord here at Predators!. We do have requirements to join as a full member. We are opening a secondary guild soon for those working on teams and PvP. Feel free to come learn and improve with us! https://discord.gg/KyyrBm Good luck
  12. Bump. Added epic chanseys!
  13. The update should be working now. Try and download it again!
  14. Everything will transfer with you to the new server :)
  15. Hello, all guides can be found here. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/game-guide.13/ Good luck!
  16. Hello, Go to dashboard and merge into one of the new servers if you wish! Hope to see you in game and good luck!
  17. Welcome! there are many guides available here on forums that can help you. :)
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