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Posts posted by Eaty

  1. Hello, I have thought about this multiple times in the past and I still don't know which direction we want to take in PRO regarding the visual representation of various PvP-relevant data such as remaining or used PP, the moves used, and the potential remaining rounds of weather and field effects.

    Currently, I am not a big fan of most of these suggestions, as tracking them is an essential skill in PvP. This view may change in the future, but for now, I deny this suggestion.


  2. Hello, we have 50-60 hairstyles that have not been released yet. Unfortunately, it's not just about the hairstyles, it also requires mapping to change the hairstyle with certain headgears so that the hair, for example, doesn't clip through the headgear. This mapping process is quite time-consuming. We will definitely do it in the future.


    Before we finish the already completed hairstyles, we won't be accepting any new hairstyle suggestions.


  3. Hello, we have already made several attempts to create an adjustable and usable AI, and we have some usable results.

    However, we still need to work on it, and it's not yet clear whether it will make it into the game. However, I don't consider it unlikely.


  4. Hey, particle effects aren't my strong suit. I've been working on a Valentine's Day call in effect, but I'm not sure if I'll add it. We'll find out with the next client.



    I will close this post, but not give it an implemented or denied status yet.


    Furthermore, I've been working on a Valentine's Day mount effect, but the same essentially applies here.


    • Like 2
  5. Untitled4202_20240318181932.png

    Heyho! We're looking to add some exciting new mounts to the game, and we want your input.


    Share your opinions and let us know which mounts you'd like to see prioritized in future updates.

    Your feedback matters, so join the poll and help shape the future of our mount collection.


    Feel free to vote for more than one option!


    Edit March 5th 2024: Restarted the vote. Following mounts were/will be added: 

    • Mega Rayquaza
    • Mega Salamence
    • Gengar plus Mega Gengar


    Edit March 9th 2024: Removed Mega Metagross from the list. It had the most votes and has been added.


    Edit March 20th 2024: Restarted the vote. Following mounts were/will be added:

    • Mega Metagross plus its forms.
    • Mega Mewtwo X.
    • Mega Mewtwo Y.
    • Mega Absol plus its forms.
    • Darkrai.
    • Slaking.
    • Magnezone plus its forms.
    • Tentacruel plus its forms.
    • Like 13
    • Haha 15
    • Checked/Done 1
  6. On 12/15/2023 at 11:49 PM, Muneb said:

    Current guild name: limitless

    New name: Bullet Club

    Server: gold 



    On 12/18/2023 at 10:46 PM, J1nxx said:

    Current Guild Name: Majik Ninajs


    New Guild Name: Majik Ninjas


    Server: Silver



    10 hours ago, Linhfu121 said:

    current Guild Name : torchic guild

    New Guild Name : Torchic

    Server : Gold 


    Hello, I assume you meant "Torchic Guid". Done.

    • Like 1
  7. Hello, we already have such a system for hair colors. However, extending this to existing cosmetics would mean recoloring every cosmetic, and making some color combinations almost impossible. That's why I'm doubtful about its feasibility. Another option would be to limit it to specific cosmetics, but that could confuse players.

    I like the idea, but I don't think it's something we can add for now.

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