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Posts posted by Eaty

  1. 9 hours ago, Uxxelmon said:

    I suggest to make it tradeable like train tickets since they are locked on alt-accounts, which most


    Hello, this is exactly the reason why they are untradable. It's so it's not worth to farm them with alt-accounts.

    • Checked/Done 1
  2. Changelog 01.08.2023:

    • Reworked the Exp code.
      • We use the official gen7 formulas now.
    • Coded Exp. Share à la gen2.
    • Coded Party Exp. Share.
      • Disabled for now.
    • Coded Lucky Egg.
    • Coded Exp. Candies.
    • Catching Pokemon gives EXP now.
    • Reworked almost the entire API the client uses to interact with the scripts.
      • While it might sound small, it was actually quite significant and took up most of the time, aside from the EXP rework.
    • Added global rare encounter announcements.
      • Players can anonymize their rare encounters and choose to show or hide the messages in the client options.
        • By default, the messages are displayed, and rare encounters are anonymized.
      • Only forms and shinies of Pokemon that are uncommon or rare will be displayed.

    • Players are move locked while fishing now.
    • Added battle delay and cd reset for a slightly better fishing mechanic.
    • Slightly changed the form/shiny sprite display in the Pokedex.
      • Left-clicking shows the next form, right-clicking shows the previous form, and middle-clicking resets to the base sprite.
    • Fixed Z-Move not being selectable if Transform enabled them.
    • The client no longer displays the mega button for Rayquaza if it holds a Z-Crystal.
    • Corrected misspellings such as Never-Melt Ice and King's Shield.
    • Reworked Final Gambit.
    • Reworked Seismic Toss.
    • The server kicks users that exceed 190s in PvP battles now.
    • Lightning Rod now properly checks temporary types when protecting against paralysis.
    • Fixed Hydration message.
    • Fixed Entraintment message.
    • Pokemon with Natural Cure will no longer be cured on switch-out if they lost their ability.
    • If a Pokemon dies due to Leech Seed damage, the opposing Pokemon recovers the HP equal to the damage taken. 
      • Previously, it always recoverd 1/8th of the max HP of the seeded Pokemon.
    • Coded a server-sided speed hack detection.
    • Few small reworks, clean-ups and optimizations.
    • Like 38
    • Checked/Done 2
  3. 4 hours ago, GoldenP1kachu said:
    Current Guildname: Psynergy
    New Guildname: La Famiglia
    Server: Gold Server

    The Guild Name Change has been completed. The 200k fee will be deducted from your account during the day.

    Make sure you have enough money in your account.


    Edit: Fee removed.

  4. 15 hours ago, Muneb said:

    Current guild name: SaoRaiders

    New guild name: The Elite

    Server gold

    Hello, you can only request a guild name change as guild leader.

    This account isn't in the guild you requested a guild name change for.

    • Haha 2
  5. Hey, I watched the video and I can't determine whether it's a client problem or an issue with your device.

    Without being able to reproduce the problem or even have any clue whether there is a problem on our end, it's unfortunately impossible for me to do anything.


    I'm really sorry about that.


    If other users report the same issue and/or we can gather more information to confirm that it's on our end and pinpoint the problem, I will definitely try to fix the problem.

  6. 17 hours ago, Paprikaflow said:

    Current Guild Name: Syndicate

    New Guild Name: Fireborn

    Server: Gold



    Sorry, I don't get notifications for this thread for unknown reasons, please verify the request once more and mention me!

    • Like 1
  7. Hello, unfortunately, it's Unitys fault. They discontinued support for Windows XP some time ago, which means that playing PRO with Windows XP is no longer possible.


    Additionally, you can determine whether the build is 32-bit or 64-bit.

    Look for the UnityCrashHandler32.exe file in the folder - if it's present, then it's a 32-bit build.
    Conversely, if the file is named UnityCrashHandler64.exe, then it's a 64-bit build.



  8. Hello, first of all, thank you for the suggestions. However, it would be great if you could create separate posts for each suggestion in the future. This way, each post can be accepted or rejected individually, without it looking like it applies to all suggestions. Additionally, the titles could be more accurately labeled.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    1: When we learn a new move, we cannot see how much power, accuracy or pp the other attacks have. I think that would be good because it would help us decide which move to get rid of. Instead of making a wrong decision and go back to the move relearner.


    For this, you can always open the Pokemon card and hover the mouse over the respective moves. Theoretically, this information could be added to the move learn card, but it would lead to an information overload and space issues in the current design, which is why I am not a big fan of this idea.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    2: In battle i see % in lives with the mouse, but not the actual HP. Can this be added because for potions it would come in more handy because they work with HP and not %?


    As other players have mentioned, it is possible to see the actual HP of your own Pokemon by opening the Pokemon card.

    In battle, only the HPLeft% is intentionally displayed, as displaying the actual HP could reveal information about the Pokemon's HP IV and trained EVs.

    Additionally, it would provide more crucial information for moves such as Seismic Toss and Dragon Rage.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    3: In battle, when the opponents pokemon is killed, we cannot change the pokemon while they are bringing in a new pokemon. Like in other pokemon games that we see which pokemon the opponent brings in. We can than decide to keep the pokemon in battle or change it. But let this option be available only when battling NPC's/bosses. To still have a kind of challenge in the wild. Can this be added?  This can be a good thing for tactics. 


    It may be possible to add this option for the story, but it is quite unlikely. This mechanic was a part of the easy mode in the handhelds.

    We definitely do not plan to add this for bosses that are meant to be challenging as late-game content.

    However, I currently do not want to completely deny the option for the story in the future.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    4: Using the move fly to teleport to other city's. Or make it possible that at every pokemon center in the game, we can transport for like 750 in game currency to teleport to a city of choice?

    By letting the world map appear and click on the place where you want to be teleported to?


    We currently have a transport system through subways, boats, and teleports in-game.

    This is an important part of the game and a significant money sink. Therefore, there will be no major changes without appropriate calculations and discussions within the team.

    It is possible that we may implement an out-side battle fly system similar as in the handhelds, but it would also cost Pokedollars. However, it is currently neither prioritized nor planned.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    5: With the MS medal activated, that when we hold the mouse above it, we can see how many days/hours/minutes we have left until it's gone. Because i do not know now when it's going to be stopped.


    The icon rework is already on my to-do list. This applies to the MS icon and all the others, to display more information and to update them constantly.

    Until then, I recommend that you retrieve this information through your trainer card.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    6: About music tunes, i would like to hear different battle music when it comes to a few NPC's. For example, all gym leaders have their own kind of exciting yet happy music. The Shiny/legendary pokemon have their own like Epic dark type of music. Team Rocket has their own like sneaky yet funny music. The elite 4 have their own like End boss music and the last one you battle after them like the music that Red had in pokemon gold. And the boss of team rocket also has his own like dark spooky music. 

    I have this suggestion because it can give a more accomplished feeling if you succeed the battles.


    I am currently not planning to make any changes to the battle music for NPCs.

    The only change I am considering and may address is providing the option to choose from several battle music titles for PvP battles.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    7: that we can trade pokemon through the mailbox instead of trading. Also when they are locked for your own region, but not for the one who is getting the pokemon.

    This will only be available as a premium thing for ms medal or if the other one gives at least 10K pokedollars, because it does not need to be the new standard with trading. 


    I am planning to overhaul the mail system in the future so that Pokémon can also be sent through the mail and a cash on delivery fee can be charged to take them from the mail.

    The sender will receive the money and the recipient will receive the attachment from the mail.

    If the receiver does not take them within a week, the attachment will be returned to the sender.


    This would likely come with a higher fee than the current system.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    8: When we are in an area, that we see which pokemon are there at the moment. When we click in the right corner to see which pokemon are there, we see all, instead of which pokemon on that exact in game time. Maybe make it an option to switch between all pokemon and Real time encounter pokemon?


    I recently thought about this. I considered adding an option to display only the currently individually encounterable Pokemon on the map.

    I am still undecided on this, but it's definitely a possibility for the future.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    9: When i capture a pokemon which i have with me in the party, that i can drag the pokemon outside it. So i can release it into the wild? for example, i capture lvl 2 rattata, but i see the next encounter lvl 5. I want to get rid off the lvl 2 because it is taking space in the party.


    Currently and most likely in the future, the only option to release Pokemon outside of the Pokecenter is through the Pokemon Preview Card for a small fee.

    I do not plan to change this.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    10: That when we have a certain badge, we can see in our region where we may can encounter a legendary/shiny pokemon.


    The legendaries in PRO are all quest based, either through story or world quests.

    Therefore, this suggestion doesn't make much sense.


    17 hours ago, Mennoboer1997 said:

    11: which makes this suggestion also needed. That we can encounter Legendary pokemon more often, shiny is good as how it is now.


    I do not understand this suggestion. Does it mean you want us to release more legendaries? Or do you want the same legendaries to be catch-able multiple times?
    If it's the first, then it is already planned to slowly make all legendaries catchable.


  9. Hello, in Random Battles, individual skill and knowledge are important but not the only decisive factors for winning a match.

    This is unlikely to change in the near future.


    • Like 1
  10. Hello, at first glance, a rating system may seem like a good idea, but in the long run, it would only lead to mockery and ridicule.


    Additionally, either players would have to rate each other or staff would have to rate players.

    The first would definitely result in player groups/guilds harassing individual players and collectively giving them poor ratings.

    And for the latter, we simply do not have the necessary manpower.


    Furthermore, the star system would be highly susceptible to players targeting others.


    Even an alternative system, where players can only give positive ratings and the number of positive ratings is visible to all, would be easily manipulable by our player base and not very indicative due to larger guilds or reputation trades.


    I must unfortunately reject this suggestion.


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