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Everything posted by Xanthinarose

  1. The account you listed currently has only 1 minute of gameplay time on the Gold Server where Calamity is located.
  2. If you're interested in joining Calamity, you would need to fill out the application form located at the end of the recruitment post for review. Thank you.
  3. Do you have discord?
  4. After reviewing your application, we noticed your account is currently located on the silver server. Our guild is a gold server guild
  5. Looks great! Hope it can be updated to your version. Great work!
  6. I started in game at the time he posted, here are the screenshots....
  7. New pokes added!
  8. Thank you @Luckynum1, have a good day!
  9. Thank you, gl hf
  10. Hey there, Can I have your discord or IGN?
  11. Thank you, have a good day!
  12. Thank you! Have a good day
  13. Thank you and have a good day!
  14. Can I please have your discord name and tag? Or IGN?
  15. Shop is reopen! Since there is no ETA on when lending trade will return to PRO, I have decided to reopen my rental shop and will lend pokemon and return them manually when the time limit is over. This will be conducted by taking screenshots of the trade with time stamps included according to my timezone (PST), for quick trade set up please contact me through discord and I will get to you as soon as I can. Thank you!
  16. Nice idea tbh I like that, kinda like safari pokeballs in the original games but for each pro event like valentine's, xmas etc. Would be super cool
  17. Hey there I just wanted to post a quick suggestion here, The preview that shows which pokeball the pokemon was caught in is great and I'm glad it's been added to PRO! I only hope you guys can add some more cute pokeballs to the game so we can use them to catch our favorite mons in them. These include but are not limited to: Love balls, dream balls, heal balls and luxury balls. Good luck and have fun :3
  18. Cute mon! Good luck :3
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