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Everything posted by Idreamyl

  1. Hii, i miss ur message. Are u online?
  2. Hi, im here again~ feel free to offer :33 Start: 500k Ins: 4m mid bid: 50k, Time: 24h from the 1st bid (GMT+7) End: 17:29 13/1/2025 Accept: CC= 500k Rr ivs= 550k Rr nature= 270k
  3. I'll auction this Treecko again in new post. Thank for waiting
  4. @Kisslove098 Already ended
  5. Start: 500k Ins: 4m mid bid: 50k, Time: 48h from the 1st bid (GMT +7) (start: 2:33 a.m 16/12/24 - end: 2:33 a.m 18/12/24) Accept: CC= 500k Rr ivs= 550k Rr nature= 270k
  6. The auction ended and @Krucify won the auction Sableye with 1m1. Please pm me to trade. Contact me: discord: Dreamy25
  7. Start: 500k Ins: 3m5 mid bid: 50k, Time: 48h from the 1st bid ( 10 a.m 30/4/2024 UTC+7 ) Accept: CC= 410k Rr ivs= 500k Rr nature= 250k
  8. Ohhh thank you so much, I'll contact him then. Hope you have a great day!
  9. Thank you for your attention to my post. This Axew ot Idreamyl (the first letter is i), I catch it in Hoenn during xmas event in Victini dungeon spawn. And I used this Axew to repel Shroomish in Nap Shore just in this event. Hope this can help you.
  10. Hi, have a nice day! Can you check my history trade or looking for my Axew lv46 jolly 2x5 or 2x6. I cant remember if I traded it or released. Thank you.
  11. Musharna's Dream Munna backpack
  12. bumppp
  13. Im still dont get any item :<<
  14. Hi, have a nive day! I'm here cause I wondered about art apron and smeargle set was given or not. Because I remember there was a notice that the reward was given after the summer event 2-3 weeks. I had a name on this post too Thanks for your concern about my post.
  15. Forest's Dream Ball Ocean Ball Musharna Ball Bee Ball Turtonator Ball Liepard Ball
  16. Event form season: Halloween Event Form Name: Sleepy Witch Musharna Graphic: Event form season: Easter, any Holidays Event Form Name: Sweet "Milk"tank Graphic:
  17. HIii there, hope u have a nice day. I want to check accounts if I have or log many different pro accounts. Thank you so much
  18. Hi, hope u have a nice day, I just release epic drillbur of my customer because distraction, can u restore him for me pls :((( here is picture about his information
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