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Beto5456 last won the day on October 26 2024

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  1. How hyped are you for Halloween? - In terms of farming it will be the best, this for a hunter is the best that can happen. 100 points. Which Halloween forms do you like the most? Which forms are you looking forward to hunt during Halloween? - This is my lineup. 1-Sawk. 2-Scyther. 3.Riolu. 4.Noibat. Do you think it's good that there are so many new forms this year? - Yes, I think for this year I see it well. Should we add less next time? If so, how many forms per event do you think would be reasonable? Yes, for the next year maybe 3 to 8 forms. Which Pokémon do you think deserves a form, and for which event would you prefer it to be introduced? Beldum family halloween, zorua family Halloween, heracross summer, elekid family halloween, deino family christmas or halloween, relicant summer, carvanha family summer or halloween,murkrow family halloween, it will be great to have a special event only for fossils forms,hitmonchan and hitmonlee skins dont know in which event. Bagon family hallowen, yamask family halloween, honedge family halloween, skrelp family summer, rockruff family xmas, summer or halloween. Which mounts, in your opinion, need a rework? Venausur mount, black absol mount, more colors of flying nimbuss.
  2. What's your IGN? Beto5456 Please post a picture of your trainer card! Attach What is your discord ID? Beto#7070 How far are you in story? All regions done. How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) I play very often, I have more than 5k hours. Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? Both, i do pvp because i want a pvp mount. Have you ever been banned in game and why? I have never been banned. Why do you want to join Calamity guild? I'm looking for a guild where I can be at peace, farm, pve and pvp, without needing a rating.
  3. Tyrantrum normal and shiny :p
  4. hello good afternoon, I send this report because today on pink island came a pink elekid and when I was going to capture the famous bug of the backpack and I could not capture it, I have pictures of what happened, there is something that can help me, please, it costs a lot to get the pinks
  5. hello good afternoon, I send this report because today on pink island came a pink elekid and when I was going to capture the famous bug of the backpack and I could not capture it, I have pictures of what happened, there is something that can help me, please, it costs a lot to get the pinks
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