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Posts posted by Gawerty

  1. LYJPOlO.png






    I really don't need to state what's wrong here. but I will. Dugtrio is spelled wrong, The spacing is broken, the grammar is a bit bad, and the answers aren't done all to well.


    Suggested fix: TEXTBOX 1: "Would you care to make a trade" --- TEXTBOX 2: "I have a Magneton and i've been looking for a Dugtrio, do you have one you would be willing to trade?"

  2. Okay, remember how, for a while there, members where asked by Shane to help pledge to repair his PC, or how members where asked to pledge to donate for initial server cost, before membership was made.


    Well, I recall there was going to be some gift for those players, as I had a pm from Enki on the old forums saying when the game released that those of us who pledged would get a "Thank-you" gift persay.


    How about this instead. I'm not one for taking gifts for being a helpful person and offering a meager amount to help pay for something I support, I didn't like it in that other game, and I wouldn't want to see it here. Typically I only donate for the cause of helping the game in dire needs, or renewing my membership. I propose, that a forum rank/color be made for those members that help the game in the direst moments or even have done more effort than the rest, those of us who do what others won't, so that the game survives.


    This would help recognize those of us that have done this, and it would probably mean a lot for some of us. I know it would for me.


    Cheers, Gawerty~

  3. With the paypal option, one doesn't need a paypal account to make the donation, they can simply enter their credit/debit card information easily and it will convert to the proper format. The issue with some people might be completely irrelevant to this though.

  4. Right, as per the release of the testing phase of Johto, I noticed something... A lot of the levels and npcs in johto make for an easy start and up too the second gym, you really don't have to train. If you catch a hoothoot and train it to 25, you can easily defeat bugsy. While having a pikachu as your starter for the first gym, almost guarrantees you will win if you learn electro ball and hit 15. Which doesn't take long.


    Food for thought, but I think Johto needs to be balanced more. I don't know what the plans for regions are, I'd heard they would be paired, like Kanto and Johto, you pick one and start and then take your high levels to the next region, and then start over in Hoenn and take those high levels over to sinnoh (When they're even in the pipelines of course) but I think with how Johto is set up, it would be really easy to zoom through it currently. At least the beginning.

  5. Re: Manga You've "Probably" Never Heard Of.


    <t>Being a rabid reader, as you know Phantom. I've dabbled in some manga myself, here are some favorites.<br/>


    1. Devil-Devil <br/>

    2. Ao no Exorcist <br/>

    3. Air Gear <br/>

    4. Izayakaku <br/>

    5. Boku wa Ookami <br/>

    6. Delinquent Lessons <br/>

    7. Mirai Nikki <br/>

    8. Shirogane no Ou <br/>

    9. EXEcutional <br/>

    10. Taboo-Tattoo <br/>

    11. Amai Akuma ga Warru <br/>

    12. Zombie-Loan <br/>

    13. Dragon Who <br/>

    14. Another<br/>


    Most of these don't update weekly, which bums me out, but a lot of them are really good. Sorry I don't have tags for you, these are just off the top of my head.</t>

  6. Welcome Paras, while I never met you personally on that other game, I have seen some of your post and seen you ingame there. Glad to make your acquaintance.


    I hope you stay around, as PRO will most certainly rise to the top here soon.


    Good luck on your journey!

  7. Typically when donating for PRO via Paypal, the amount you donate converts to the required format, and does the conversions by its self.


    However, I do know of a different way to donate for this stuff, I don't know whether its custom-coded for this game or not though, as it even offers bitcoin and other types of donations, and it's a pokemon mmorpg as well.

  8. I'd like to see this as well, I think with this I won't get migraines by the insane quality of the tiles, which is the only thing that keeps me from playing longer.


    By insane quality I just mean that the tiles are in such good quality compared to the usual gen 3 tiles, that I feel like I strain my already unstable eyes.

  9. 9C9Rrv4.png --- Defeaten can not be used.


    After talking this through with Naero, I've come to the conclusion that this was indeed a spelling error: The 'en' suffix is only used when the verb can't be suffixed with 'ed' which in this case, it doesn't apply as defeat can be suffixed with ed to form defeated.

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