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Everything posted by Gawerty

  1. My Dad Michael Johnson works for ChuckECheese. Wonder if you know him >_> Anyways welcome to the game.
  2. Re: Unoffical Patch Notes/Findings (Last Updated Jan 14, 2016) <t>This is nice. Keep it up too date, it really can help people who don't know where to look!</t>
  3. Why is this the thread that I feel destined to troll in? PS. Also at least my name actually is blue. ;)
  4. What the.... Please. No. Go Away.
  5. Gawerty

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Bollywood Edition <r><QUOTE author="skimsy"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'm not important, friend? :(</r>
  6. Re: The PRO Bible (WIP) <t>Going to sticky this, since I spent around an hour and a half grammar checking the whole document.</t>
  7. Children, play nice. Thread Closed.
  8. I see no reason whatsoever why this should ever be a thing. Let's face it, if you catch a Female Ralts, and it's perfect for it's male evolutionary counter-part Gallade, it's useless. That's the spirit of an MMO, the hunt and the grind. From an official stand-point and as someone pointed out earlier, this is just a minor version of breeding because you don't want to spend time getting that perfect pokemon by hunting for it and want an easy way out. Sorry, that's not how it works here.
  9. You are going to want to contact Shane to see if there is any possibility in a fix for this.
  10. This is a name I certainly remember well from PWO. Welcome to the Revolution. Enjoy your stay!
  11. Gawerty


    Good guild 10/10
  12. There'd have to be a person eligible to be a Moderator that speaks Spanish for us to have a Moderator over there. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let Arnie know.
  13. Gawerty


    I don't think it's really a matter of the pokemon being useless, it's more so the fact that people see us getting Pokemon they may hope to achieve at some point and they know they have a slim to none chance of achieving them at this early stage. Which I can clearly see as being degrading. Exactly my point, thank you Gawerty for understanding where I'm coming from. I was a player once so I understand what it is your saying. I don't agree with the troll faces or spawning pokemon for gloating purposes (even though I myself have partaken in it) and I wish to see the community, at least on this topic, happy.
  14. Gawerty


    I don't think it's really a matter of the pokemon being useless, it's more so the fact that people see us getting Pokemon they may hope to achieve at some point and they know they have a slim to none chance of achieving them at this early stage. Which I can clearly see as being degrading.
  15. Gawerty


    Actually to be frank I completely agree with this. With that being said, I must take ownership to the fact that I myself have posted pokemon that I didn't obtain fairly just to do so, It wasn't my intention to make anyone feel upset or anything, but this is fair to hear from the community. I'll see what I can do about toning it down a bit, I can work hard for myself on this, but it might take more than just asking for other staff members.
  16. I've been saying this all day, but why should we give you anything if you didn't help test at least once? Just owning an account means nothing, because you didn't do anything for the game like the others, even if it was just a simple logging into the game.
  17. Oh well, you didn't help out in the Alpha like most people at all, so why should you get any type of reward?
  18. Since I know you where a scripter at DoD i'll go into a bit of detail here. The variable required for many team rocket encounter is named 'KantoStart' if that variable is set to 0 then most team rocket encounters don't work at all as you'd imagine, the only way for the KantoStart variable to be anything other than 0 is to have chosen Pikachu as your Starter, if you did, regardless of you having a different Pikachu at any time of the game, Team Rocket will battle you, multiple times throughout the story, but without KantoStart set to 1, they won't battle you at any time throughout the game as far as I know. This is just a little tease-up from Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition, and a tease-up on the Anime.
  19. That would be partially correct, it really all depends on what gets done at this point. We've had server issues today that prevented us from testing fully, at least whilst I was around, @Shane sent in a ticket to the server host to resolve the issue, but I haven't been on for about 5 hours and Shane has been asleep for about 7 hours.
  20. its funny to pick pika when u can find it in viridian forest so early and so easy :p I could explain why, but that'd be a spoiler now wouldn't it?
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