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Everything posted by Gawerty

  1. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <t>We've been twins since day one bae. @Jhaxion</t>
  2. Yeah the game isn't fully released and theres a fair bit of missing content or new content not seen yet, it's for the best though! Welcome to PRO!
  3. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <t>While I don't particularly like Xat and can't guarantee any activity in it, I will begrudgingly admit it has more features for people that like to dish out money for it. I'd say my vote is for XAT, but that's only because a lot of other people like it. I don't really care either way.</t>
  4. I edited the thread to fix common mistakes and things pointed out in this post already. I suspect that being able to edit post in this forum will be brought up soon. Cheers.
  5. It's not an offical PRO sponsored wiki, it's player run. It won't be featured on the website unless we officially sponsor it.
  6. Hate to break it too you, but this is an MMORPG, thus we use the hardest EXP gain coding, which makes the game more challenging, the reason is because we don't want people advancing through content to quickly as it is supposed to be challenging. This won't be changed.
  7. Gawerty

    Guild Wars

    It could work but as far as I am aware we already have a few plans for Guilds.
  8. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <r><QUOTE author="Phantom0x0"><s> </e></QUOTE> See how mean he is always yelling and thinking he's better then everyone else. <E>:Frown:</E> <br/> <QUOTE author="SuHu"><s> </e></QUOTE> Oh I'll make sure she "Enjoys" her stay <E>:kiss:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> Nasty. You are nasty.</r>
  9. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <t>I most certainly am not a meanie, your just jelly of my killer swag.</t>
  10. These are pretty good ideas, I'm looking forward to where PRO takes Guilds.
  11. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <t>Welcome once again to all of you hatch-lings! When the game goes live you will see a lot of activitys from R3vo happening in-game, so be prepared!</t>
  12. Regardless of their being more play-slots or not I myself have thought of this too, I don't know if it is a necessary addition or not, but I will bring it up.
  13. Hmm... Female names: Kitty, Angel, Lucky, Whiskers, Snookers, Stella.... that's all I got.
  14. When you make an inappropriate post, it get's edited. If you can't abide by our community's rules I have no problem showing you the door. Now back to the main section of this post: Welcome to PRO.
  15. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <t>Welcome all of the new members to R3vo! It's heart-warming to see all of you have joined us! Enjoy your time here after the game fully releases!</t>
  16. It'd be useful if staff where able to monitor what happens at most to if not all times. The reason being is we try to hold a stict PG-13 policy. Now if we informed the users of a maturity rating on the TS, then it wouldn't be an issue, but the fact is kids would still enter and adults/teens will cuss or get drunk and do stupid things.
  17. Welcome to the server Nate, Enjoy yourself!
  18. That's up to you, just putting it in to perspective, the servers have been around as long as 2009, and this server their hosting is their newest one, they've survived many years.
  19. Ah, I'm not really a fan of 2D MMORPGS. D: And I've never actually played WoW in my life XD Well, I played it once for a very short period, but I don't have much interest in subscription-based games, unless they really shine. See thats the thing, with this private server, it's free. Completely and utterly free, and there is no method for a P2W way of playing, which is why I am playing it a bit.
  20. Well, there is Dungeon Fighter Online, its not 3d or anything, but you can move and attack at the same time, and if you ever liked the rpgs back in the 90's then you'd probably like this. Alternatively, there is a new World of Warcraft private server called Primal WoW that isn't like the others because it starts in Vanilla (first version) and the staff team on that side's plans are too release patchs like Blizzard did, for a few months until the game reaches Wrath of the Lich King. the cool thing is the client is WoTLK and the game itself is Vanilla. Which means a lot for a private server. it's truly been fun for me for the past few weeks as I have played it sparingly.
  21. I understand you are upset. Currently the UIS bug is fixed and has been for a long time, the only reason it isn't working now, is because said fix has been removed from the code to find other bugs and/or deadlocks. We appreciate your patience with the issue, and I ask for you to expect it to be fixed soon, UIS will not be a issue here. Cheers~
  22. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <r>Why did we die?! D: <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:Shocked:</E></r>
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