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Everything posted by Gawerty

  1. Alright, I hate bordering on this because it is something that all Pokemon fans alike love to do, they love to know what their opponent is sending out and counter it... which is why it ISN'T implemented. The thing with this particular ability in the handheld games, is it is made for convenience, it is intended to make the game easier. In an MMO environment, this isn't acceptable, because their needs to be a modicum of challenge on a higher level than the handheld games, because we DO NOT want our players getting far really fast, because of a feature that is technically abusable in this format... Think about it, when you have a important NPC, say our planned Raid Boss material NPC's, or even say Giovanni, the fight becomes much easier when the NPC's pokemon is spelled out to you letting you know what you are battling. I will say though: a bypass around this, instead of plotting out the pokemon's name or anything in general, you could have a message pop-up that says "<Trainer> is about to switch pokemon, would you like to switch?" and when you choose yes, you'll switch and yours will come out first, and then the NPC, so it's like a blind gamble, but generally speaking this would still make things easier. It's a possibility, but I honestly don't think it would be implemented.
  2. Glad to see so many people showing their mugs!
  3. Gawerty

    General Bugs

    Like I said above for Rayd, you need to provide some more concrete information so that if this is indeed a bug, it can be fixed. All i'm getting from this (which is what others will likely perceive too) is that it is a computer issue on your side.
  4. I've thought that myself many times, unfortunately, it all boils down to the fact that this is the last testing period, and it won't really be worth it to put it in at this point. That's just my opinion though.
  5. It works a bit differently, depending on what you come to the team apprenticing as, you will be asked to do assignments that gauge your ability, and let you improve on old foundations in the style necessary for PRO. You may learn under someone but it isn't viable to rely on someone completely, due to the nature of how the staff team runs, with most of us being in several different timezones, the experience and learning curve comes mostly from yourself as you experiment.
  6. ur a bit slow Gawerty :P he passed his apprentiship phase nearly a week ago :p *grumbles* yeah...well....eh. I am a bit late, i've been really busy.
  7. Read the FAQ or any of the multitude of threads about this subject before posting LOCKED
  8. Yes indeed, FBlaster was the staff from POL that migrated over here and is now a apprentice. Welcome to PRO.
  9. Don't let Red fool you, he likes girls, he just doesn't want to admit it.
  10. I agree with Arroar, the day night cycle is just way to long, whenever I do get time to log in, it is always at Night and it just bugs me, specially because I can't do certain things at dark that I can do at day.
  11. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <t>I'd much prefer IRC.<br/> <br/> And Xhaj is totally a girl. Just saying.</t>
  12. Re: ~ ❣ Som's Art Arena ❣ ~ <t>Have you begun working on my sig as well somes?</t>
  13. Gawerty

    Move Tutor

    There should be an Egg Move tutor in each region as well as a Punch Move tutor... I believe there should be a Swords Dance move tutor in the Ecruteak Kimono House, simply because it fits there, seeing as it is a dance studio, there could be a mini-quest to unlock it though, as it can be deemed OP.
  14. Gawerty

    Pokemon Factions

    I'm actually a lot more inclined to user titles and achievements. for instance The Founder Shane, The Prodigious Pretentious, The Pokemon Master Red.... The titles are endless and would be a good side-objective for people who like obtaining achievements.
  15. Re: ~ ❣ Som's Art Arena ❣ ~ <t>Thank you Somes :)</t>
  16. Welcome to the Revolution! I hope you enjoy the game :)
  17. Re: ~ ❣ Som's Art Arena ❣ ~ <t>Hello Somes! Came for a signature request, since your my favorite go-to for signatures!<br/> <br/> <br/> •Which Pokaman u want: (max 3) --- Don't want Pokemon, I'd like you to leave this blank and focus more on design points, make it pop out, maybe just centralize it around the name and the tag.<br/> •What's the text u wish on it: Gawerty and underneath that A Different Kind<br/> •Other mentions: I plan to use this signature on a Gaming Site called ADK Gaming, the color scheme for this site is Black and Red, so try to focus on that.<br/> •Gibe Mony! << 999Bil ☺ jk</t>
  18. if you refresh the page, it should post it regardless. I get this issue myself and when I refresh the page, it post what I typed, regardless of length, just fine.
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