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Everything posted by Saruron

  1. I was thinking about giving it a try and probably still will but seems like no one here can 100% recommend it.
  2. Im no weeb but i watched Naruto ... and Pokemon as a child
  3. Chill Server is up again, was probably just a quick restart to start the World Quest!
  4. Awesome job! I'm in love with that Zoroak.
  5. Amazing thread layout! Best of luck for you guys!
  6. There are multiple ways to get Dig as a move or TM. If i remember correctly one spot of the TM is in the National Park in Johto. Some pokemon like Gible learn Dig as a Move as well. Furthermore you can always ask in Trade chat for a Dig TM! Hope that helps a bit. Good luck!
  7. Hey there, i also have one that has a regular link name allthough it's a halloween one! At the beginning of the event someone from the staff said it's a known bug, so you're right. Hope that helps a bit!
  8. Welcome back to PRO!
  9. Happy welcome new trainer
  10. @zanderguy123did i win this auction? Contact me here or ingame please.
  11. Auction should be over, i think i won. Contact me ingame or send a PM on forums please when you're available.
  12. Hey there, what is its hidden power? I might be interessted in it. Best of luck for selling!
  13. Hey there, I'm not able to see the image you linked in your post. You probably want to fix that to increase your chances to sell it here. Just as a hint! Best of luck tho!
  14. Hey there, i just want to mention that im not able to see the images in your post. You probably want to fix that to increase your chances to acctually sell something here. Anyways best of luck for selling!
  15. Hey there, it would be nice to know its Hidden Power for possible customers, just as a hint! Good luck for selling it!
  16. Welcome and nice drawings
  17. Good luck for you and your guild!
  18. Starting it (2m) Good luck!
  19. Hey there, just as a hint: It would be helpful to know the Hidden Power of (both) Greninja, Manectric (and Typhlosion) for people who might be ineressted in them. Best of luck for selling!
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