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Everything posted by Nytracta

  1. 2m Kabuto
  2. Nytracta Silver Hello. I accidentally released my Kabutops, Thanks
  3. start kabuto
  4. So : 10M Bid: 500k No Insta TIME : https://countingdownto.com/?c=3862811 Payment methods Gold 380k 700k
  6. 9.5M Nytracta Silver
  7. 8.5M Nytracta Silver
  8. 7.5M Nytracta Silver
  9. 6.5M Nytracta Silver
  10. I'll be on a trip, Returning on the 26/09.I will deliver all pokes during the night of the 26th/9th.
  11. 5.5m Nytracta - Silver
  12. 4M Nytracta -Silver
  13. what is your nick in the game?
  14. Vermilion pc for trade, Nick Liquidificando
  15. sorry for the delay, there was a fire in the power tower, there was no internet, are you still interested in pokes?
  16. sorry for the delay, there was a fire in the power tower, there was no internet, are you still interested in pokes?
  17. sorry for the delay, there was a fire in the power tower, there was no internet, are you still interested in pokes?
  18. Sorry for the inconvenience, due to an accident in the electrical network that I had no power!
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