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Mcschitter last won the day on November 27 2021

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About Mcschitter

  • Birthday 11/23/1996

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Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Click the Discord link posted. Make sure you always hover over a link though to see where it will direct you to avoid malicious people.
  2. have you tried turning the game off and turning it back on?
  3. Edits to the Rules have been made. There is a lot to take in feel free to @ me if something needs clarifying.
  4. Welcome everyone to my farewell tour from PRO where I will be rewarding just about anything I own to participants. If you would like to see everything I will be offering, you can see me go through my catalog in alphabetical order on my youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJdbqyYaCFo&ab_channel=McSchitter For anyone interested in information why I am doing this then watch the video fully but is not important to participate in the tournament. Here I will be going over the tournament information that is available. As I finalize more rules and information it will be added here and the Discord where you will be entering to event from: https://discord.gg/5Tamy76jEf PRIZES Special thanks to Celestic who also donated his wealth to the event. The 1st place finisher will get the first pick of McSchitter’s PC, then 2nd and so on until the 360th player (rules on forum or his Discord will explain how all 360 will get placed once fully added). 1st: 12Mil + First pick in PC 2nd: 8Mil + Second pick in PC 3rd: 6Mil + Third pick in PC 4th: 4Mil + Fourth pick in PC RULES 1. All Registrants must have at least 500 hrs (might be lowered if I see the need) of gameplay and are limited to one entry (I reserve the right to disqualify anyone before my tour starts for any reason). 2. This tournament will be battled on Showdown in the Little Cup format of Generation 6 using “Gen 6 LC" which can be found in the friendly battle playlist. For full format information read the official Rules and Policy posted: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/xy-little-cup-rules-policy.3490462/ 3. If registration reaches 512 valid applicants, registration will close at the earliest December 31st. If we are not at least 256 applicants by that time I will determine if the deadline should extend to the end of January while looking at easing requirements to join such as hours and etc. 4. Brackets will be made based on player time zones to give the best scheduling possible. The number of brackets made will be based on multiples of 2 (4, 8, etc) and if one timezone has a big number compared to others it may need more than one to even out. 5. Time zone brackets will be played at 2 rounds per week to speed up the pace. Due to this, every matchup there is Best of 1. The final’s bracket mentioned below will be Best of 3. 6. Each individual time zone bracket will have a loser’s bracket and once all brackets complete, a final bracket will be made with 2 players of each timezone bracket. One will be the winner of the time zone bracket and the winner of the loser’s time zone bracket. In the final’s bracket, a winner’s bracket will draw a loser’s bracket finalist at random from a different timezone to the one they played in (May sound confusing and that is because it is. I will supply a visual to help you see this). Final’s bracket will also have a loser’s bracket. EXAMPLE: 7. This event will incorporate hunting. All valid caught mons must be the first evolution to count. Any Pokémon caught will have 2 IVs that you can choose to max out OR you can change the ability and leave all IVs as is. 8. I will announce in advance when the event will begin which allows you to start hunting. YOU MUST TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF A CAUGHT MON PREVIEW and submit it in #caught-pokemon to use it in the tournament and state which stat will be maxed. Later on you need to ensure you post the same Pokémon again with your OT showing. (Sorry if you do not like this but there are ways to cheat otherwise and catch Pokémon ahead of time and then change their IDs because the game dev does not want to solve problems with server swapping). 9. Anytime you battle in Showdown, your team can have one Pokémon that was not hunted on it. This Pokémon can have maxed IVs in all stats. This Pokémon can change at any time so long as you only have one on your team per battle. 10. When deciding a coin flip situation (especially when the 1st few weeks will have 2 different opponents) I will judge the attempts each player made to work with the other. If someone is waiting for their 2nd opponent matchup for multiple days, I will give them more leniency because they made the effort to finish their matches sooner. If I do not have a clear winner in that regard I will flip a coin. 11. Disqualifications can be made during a tournament if someone is caught cheating. No disqualifications will be made for toxic banter in the Discord except if I or a moderator warn you to stop and you continue with someone (people have a block option, stop crying so much that you need a safe place to me). 12. You may request that your opponent prove they are not cheating prior to battling. To do this, you will request your opponent’s proof prior to battling and they will in turn have to message me privately in Discord. Your opponent must tell you that they will do this before you get into a match. If they do not tell you this, then you wait until they say so (if they still are not agreeing well after your agreed time to fight then message me proof). To prove no cheating, you must take 6 screenshots that CLEARLY shows your opponent battling you live and shows the stats of each of your 6 Pokémon and send them to me privately. When cheating proof is required, you cannot turn on the battle timer for 3 mins at the start of battle. 13. Pick order for the 360 Pokemon will first be by how well you place overall, and for all the ties in the brackets based on this, I will be randomly having names picked for deciding the order for these tiebreakers.
  5. Congrats cyan but i will still call you a pepega lol
  6. Think there is a lot of decent stuff here when refined that I thought was fair to raise. I think staff is always going to have a stain for its past and I doubt it will go away. I have a lot of members I have seen with bans of RMT suggested but multiple members that are dealing with it are not people I think actually took part in it but instead have some relation to investigations and this hostage holding I think is a real deal thing. The issue is though is that there are just as malicious players in this game doing dubious things and if they could see proof of how they got banned I think you now have a problem where they learn how to dodge future bans. Multiple staff as far as I know do handle every case but maybe when its GM investigations like RMT it might be more singular. If that is the case that is tough with the volunteer resources available. A council of regular members just will not be trusted with proof and I do not blame them for declining such an idea although I see the value in it. Dealing with the long wait times in ban investigations I think need a solution but idk if this is it. I agree this post is a nice attempt at staff relations, but at least to my opinion I just do not think many in staff have the time AND good will of the player base in trust. Like everyone loves Cames for instance but he obviously just gets lost in the coding and avoids this stuff like the Plague while people on the front lines of these relations I do not have that much trust it appears from what I read. Think someone actually trusted in most of the community, that is not an enemy or friend of staff, would be nice to make an assistant to help with staff relations related work. Think a small scale example of this is Joro in the PvP side of things for council.
  7. I think I see the problem in what I am saying here so let me try again on probably the most important point here but is a little more off topic to the overall thread I suppose so we can take it to PMs if preferred. I think just about every point here you bring up is at least mostly valid if not correct so I will not argue semantics of whose right or wrong. I think all these things boil down to the same problem. The Devs do not play their own game. Maybe Wally and frens do read the suggestions from time to time. Like the time Cames added Clamperl's item code because of course he did, dudes a homie lol. However, as I mentioned in my example from bullet point (2.), even after referring Wally to the information in a suggestion thread it was clear there was still the disconnect about the issue at hand. He wanted guild members to still be able to queue into each other and because of his lacking gameplay knowledge he naturally cannot understand the struggles that are caused by the current system. It is not like this is brand new news to anyone either its been a gradually deteriorating situation since the inception of the q/g system. I got to give Wally credit where credit is due, he finally compromised and understood the situation after a while of trying our hardest to stress the importance of this and we found a happy medium for everyone involved. THIS is what we need, someone who can help keep Devs who cannot play their own game actually informed about these important things and issues being caused. It is like having an informant on the streets keeping you educated on what is going on and having this information is key for decision making. In my mind I would hope we kind of already have this kind of helpful information being transmitted on the PvP side by the council and this should extend to other areas as well (PMs are always open I literally go out of my way to try and help this game including being a huge donating whale when I still had tons of hope, think I am invested in seeing this game get better). Having someone who literally just makes it their job to keep a finger on the pulse of the community and understanding what is going on I think is just too crucial at this point. Maybe testers but I do think this is a job all on its own. Bit of a side addition here as well, but having someone like this who is capable of communicating might also be helpful in being able to make it their job as well to promote and help educate the community about decisions made by Wally, Spawn Editors, etc. They get a ton of sh*t that sometimes is undeserved just because of who they are and not the content of the change they are making like a certain change to hunting lol (once again not trying to say I am a communicator but I also am not saying I am not *wink wink*). You want someone who is clearly trying to be on both sides meaning that someone who the community obviously knows can be critical of what staff is doing but also understand their side and why something is being done. The upside is they can deal with the PR disasters created when things like mega metagross gets banned prematurely or hunting changes people do not understand are made instead of making it something that Wally has to deal with when his strengths lay less so in the communication side (think it is fair to say this). Lastly, to get back on track here after advertising myself shamelessly :harold: , I think the wording I used for the QA stream was off. In similar fashion to the above, I think it is correct to do live question and answer format taking in fresh questions and what not. The issue at hand is that some really good questions frequently are unanswerable because Wally is not really up to date on the information regarding the topic as I said above. In this live format, that is problematic because he might make a conclusion on the spot that is horribly wrong about what is being asked and it is because there is no prior prep work being done. This is an area that I think definitely could use improvement. Overall, this is not really as on topic anymore with the point of your thread so I do not want to dwell to much more deeply into this to let you focus on others here but these are my thoughts with regards to your reply and my shameless advertising lol.
  8. I think most of these I already understand except the discussion of suggestions. I think this is a very lacking area even if someone in staff is in charge of this. 1. I know for a fact that if anyone is in charge of it would have to be a GM or someone high up because I have never seen it. The only exception I could see is content scripters maybe look for content related suggestions but I just feel from expefience this is not the case. 2. There seems to be no reply in suggestion forums to well done posts and it drives a lot of frustration within the community about just being ignored. Recently, Wally answered to the issue of PvP queue problems that I pulled verbatum from forum suggestion thread and it was only finally getting him to talk to us randomly in our Discord did it seem this got looked at. While I am not a fan of just getting a reply that it will not be done/cannot be done and then just leave it at that, like I have had done to me years ago, it is better than silence. 3. The Q and A streams seem to have no correlation to the suggestion thread which I really wish it would. The streams just seem rather random to some extent I guess to answer topical questions but I think there is room to improve this all if we had more dedicated looks at the suggestion thread and actually hearing replies. Staff Related Optional Point: I think there are those in staff who do not really have a way to voice proper criticism or advice in a way that can actually help. We can argue all day whether I got ignored or not and if I just baby raged left staff over this but I really cannot necessarily blame Wally for not being able to know all the criticism and advice I have given necessarily with how busy he is and Discord just buries these topics. There seems to be channels kind of geared slightly for this but they seem either not really used or just not designed to properly engage us.
  9. This is quite a nicely put summary of the dilema at hand. I really appreciate someone with more patience than me trying to make this happen for the community and I hope now that randbats is basically off the devs plate they could hopefully tackle this next.
  10. Definitely agree and being able to chose not to face the same opponent by choice but still be allowed to Q imo is also important in such a low population game. There are plenty of times I have to stay out of Q win or lose because the matchup is not favorable for my team or it is some stall player I really do not want to get again. Not sure how much more difficult it is to add but a nice QoL nonetheless to have I hope.
  11. Something is massively needed for the matchmaking of this game and this is the simplest suggestion in theory that matches with the games current culture. Simply put, the games matchmaking is all but dead at times of the day and having to go one at a time in a guild is most certainly not helping anyone. After Felix made that PSA about guilds being allowed to PvP each other, I honestly might have to consider allowing it in our guild because it becomes so difficult to find quality matches or any at all even in the worst cases. We need this badly Wally, and if this is too hard to implement we need something for the Q because it has become insufferable. On top of Teerav's excellent point, I really think this game needs an ELO system. It might be impossible with so few people playing PvP compared to a game like League of Legends, but the fact that spamming 100s of games just because the quality of players is overall bad as a way to find success on the ladder makes any veteran of the game not even respect all the names that make the top 25 cut. It might be bias considering I barely play more than 50 games if that in a season, but I just do not get how something like that is rewarded when someone is clearly a worse player. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this game, it would make people easier to boost through screen-sharing and there are other complicated consequences just due to the low number of people who play so this idea is kind of dead on arrival but there needs to be some brainstorming about improving the quality of top 25 players because it is currently a joke that and 60 percent win rate player is in the same list as 80 percent players.
  12. Hello Daycare Applicant, Trinity is a top 3 guild on Silver and to no surprise we have a ton of PvP players who can't be asked to train mons themselves. We are looking for eager trainers who are looking for a good source of work with little competition inside our Discord and easy access to our orders. To apply, please PM my Discord at the following tag and fill out the application below. We can negotiate any needs you might have and bonus perks the better your work and reputation is. Bare minimum levels of English communication is required. Discord: McSchitter#2703 Application Form: IG Name: Level, EVs, both?: HRs of play/week?: Experience: Anything else I should know?: Any proof of your services?:
  13. Player name: McSchitter Server you are on (won't be changed on our side after you registered): Silver Timezone (in GMT): GMT -4
  14. Yeah the system is just nonsense considering as a former staff I just get a perfect legendary with the hidden power of my choice. I do not however want the game to be necessarily easier or "reliable" per se if that makes sense. I have argued while in staff many times on the need for the game to have rare (and by consequence, expensive if tradeable) items to obtain and/or grind that would allow for different options other than rerolling to work on curving your luck for a better legendary. In this vein, diversity in rewards and diversity in how rewards are obtained is in my opinion the key to solving the issue. Being able to get a rare single IV reroll and special items that can increase (or maybe even drop) an IV stat by 1 would go a loooonnnngggg ways from where we are now. Instead of every dumb boss in the game just giving money you could diversify the reward pool they have, the PvP shop could likewise allow you to drop 10 PvP coins for a chance to land one of these rewards at a low chance. I could go on this tangent for a while but it would be wasted breath. Wally did not listen when I was in staff about these sort of things and he sure does not care to listen us outside of staff unless everyone can agree on these fundamental facts. Instead, we are stuck arguing about a broken frog and making useless petitions that mean nothing all because we cannot work together for a better game. I hope your post can make a difference Idkup, I would like to be wrong instead of right about Wally's direction.
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