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Everything posted by Varyahn

  1. Thanks for this guide!
  2. Hi, I´m using Knock Off with a Stall Sableye and he's attacking before a Quagsire that uses Mud Bomb. Is that right? Thanks.
  3. All correct, thanks!
  4. All correct, thanks!
  5. Thanks for the guide!
  6. I didnt receive my items, the mummy tolds me "I don´t have business for you". Thanks!
  7. Username: Varyahn Server: Gold
  8. Thanks for write this walkthrough Waleed1301!
  9. Here you can: https://pokemonrevolution.net/download
  10. OK, it was a mistake. Thanks for your help.
  11. Why can't Gengar learn Sludge Wave? This move is coded in the game. Thanks!
  12. This works! Thanks for your help.
  13. I tried to hit Gastly with False Swipe after using Odor Sleuth, but it's completely ineffective. Thanks.
  14. Hi, Vermilion City Graveyard is openned forever? Thanks.
  15. Nice guide, thanks!
  16. Same problem here!
  17. Thanks for your help!
  18. Hi, I've read he should be stationed in Ruins of Alph (in Smeargle spawn), but I only find there Trick tutor. Thanks!
  19. Hi! I was looking for a Smeargle with Spore + False Swipe + Odor Sleuth, but I don't know if Odor Sleuth is coded yet. Where can I get it? Regards.
  20. Nice guide guys!
  21. Happy Easter and thanks for this event!
  22. Están de mantenimiento para mejorar la estabilidad de los servidores. Ten paciencia.
  23. Thanks you!
  24. Hi, I have two questions about tools: 1-. How can I use them? I was spamming the item and it didn't work (it was a cuttable tree and I have Cut HM). 2-. The Pickaxe and Shovel are listed under consumables. Does this mean they are a one time use or have limited uses? Thanks.
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