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Everything posted by Crucifixuz

  1. Username: Crucifixuz Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Germany GMT+1
  2. any news about him ?
  3. good for rain with rest startbid 400k insta 1m 2 days from start
  4. ...
  5. bump its beeen more than 2months plz i need revives
  6. BUMP BUMP BUMP pvp unplayable no fun left do something about it please please
  7. +1 will save a lot of work and time could also be cool to make a level 1 shiny xD
  8. any news ?:( i stack like 100 of each gem it will take 1 month to recycle them .... :((
  10. +1 pvp is unplayable nowdays
  11. @Hawluchaa the people who offered really got the cash to buy this durant ? they got like 0 forum messages and all from the same country / guilds as the seller minamyoung and owner blackskyland... very suspicious
  12. while it is being reworked can u also add missing items like leftovers smooth rocks etc ? and an option to recycle more quickly xD
  13. Item recycler is busy always can he be back plz?
  14. true but its hard spawn night only and ms only... fossils reviving have a low shiny chance
  15. we have gen6 but not gen5 fossil this is not fair :(
  16. pls invent plume fossil and tirtouga fossil :(
  17. In-game name: Crucifixuz Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: hey i wanted to use the aron for endeavor leveling but the wild poke made final gambit.. pls can anyone help me deleveling it to the fresh caught level (10 or 14 it was i think ) .... why not? how am i supposed to know this poke knows final gambit when it always does stomping tantrum on my other arons ?!? :((( please make a little exception plsss it is very important for me because it is shiny if you havent seen that so please
  18. was sold insta a weeek ago when forum was down can be closed
  19. sold insta ingame while forum was down
  20. i think u misunderstood me i dont say i wanna wait till i find an easy enemy i dont care a single a bit about winning, rating or pvp coins i just want to enjoy a good poke fight and skip the chansey rotom toge etc people. i would still lose the rating if i dont ready or just dc so what u say makes no sense.
  21. hey id like to suggest this once again since i didnt get any anser last time please please remove the 10min queue timer for disconnects or at least remove it for the preview timeout I JUST WANNA SKIP THE LAME TEAMS but everytime i have to wait a decade or what would be even better add a queue for the cool trainers only UU pokes or NU and below
  22. start 420k xDD insta 1m 48hour from start
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