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Everything posted by Darksun20

  1. -1 absolutely not
  2. Darksun20


    I'm still on the fence with this "proper reasoning" I shouldn't have to prove I'm playing stall to the mod just to avoid punishment. Because you know damn well there are people who will get salty playing against stall enough to report.
  3. Darksun20


    You've contributed nothing to this discussion. If you wish to argue with me about this topic then I'd be gald to in the pms. Otherwise leave your toxicity out the door when speaking in forums please.
  4. Darksun20


    If this rule is targeting those actually trolling or abusing the mechanics, then the rule should be clear that "This does not pertrain to the stall playstyle rather the players abusing these mechanics maliciously" Because when someone who first looks at these rules, it's almost uncanny how much it conflicts with the stall playstyle. I haven't touched stall at all because of this rule in fear of getting punished.
  5. Darksun20


    While the timer part of the rule is understandable, that still doesn't explain the pp stalling part. This rule denies those the ability to drain opponent's pp in order to win if there is no other way. This also impacts the Pressure ability as some mons, namely Suicune, can use this ability to it's greatest potential. So if it comes down to having to pp stall to win, I am forced to forfeit an otherwise winnable match so I don't get punished? how is that fair?
  6. I would like to suggest to change the Boss rewards for Ash Westbrook, Pewdiepy, and Shary/Shaui. These bosses are the most difficult bosses. Ash Westbrook requires a specific team (ex 6 mons with endeavour + priority move) due to all his mons carrying phasing moves so you can't use set up, Shary requires a 5k entry pay on top of a specific team to beat them. And while pewdiepy is easier among these two it is still a difficult boss that doesn't reward well as it should for it's difficulty, especially in the case of Ash Westbrook. I understand that Ash Westbrook now gives Audinite, but after obtaining that he is a pointless boss as there are much easier bosses that give a better reward while still giving the same amount of PVE coins and money. I propose these bosses give more PVE coins and money.
  7. There are star pieces on route 108 that respawn, but for some reason on my main account it doesn't respawn for me but on my other account it does. I haven't even been able to collect them on my main to start with, they just don't show up.
  8. Darksun20


    You know what, fine, just delete this thread. But I sware to god if I go into a PvP with stall and receive numerous reports against me and have to explain to staff that I was just playing stall but get punished anyways, You'll be hearing from me about this topic again.
  9. Darksun20


    I am shocked to see so many players letting this rule go by without even an ounce of consideration for other players rather than themselves. This rule seems biased and made purely out of outrage from players going against stall.
  10. Darksun20


    This rule actively punishes players that want to play a certain playstyle while also punishing players that use their head and not just click a move because it seems right at the time.
  11. Darksun20


    I do undertsnad the rules just fine. But the way I see it, it's targeting stall playstle mostly rather than people actually breaking the rule. So when I play stall and to win I have to pp stall with the ability pressure because there is no other way out, I can't do that because of this rule. When I need to switch pokes around to check the one's my opponent brings in, no matter how many times I may have to do that it's part of stall and comes with wittling oppoennt down with hazards if the opponent requires them to switch pokes in and out in order to get around my defensive core. But I can't do that because of this rule. And finally, for games that are going down to the wire, one wrong move could be a deciding factor of the match. When it comes down to that, we should be allowed to sit there and think of what to do or plan ahead. This rule impacts that as well.
  12. Darksun20


    You shouldn't have to be given a reason by your opponent. Nobody stupid enough would tell the other player what they are planning. Part of stall is having literally 5/6 pokemon being bulky pokemon, alot of them meant for certain checks and counters as well as defensive cores, so naturally when opponent would bring a pokemon that threatens mine, of course I would have to go into my other pokemon to check it. I can understand literally only switching around and not clicking a move whatsoever, but this rule seems to be targeting players that use a certain playstyle rather than actually targeting people who abuse this.
  13. Darksun20


    Like seriosuly, what is the point of having a timer if we can't use all of it's time?
  14. Darksun20


    Furthermore, stall playstyle also may require to pp stall and lots of switching involved. this rule might as well be "No Stall playstyle allowed"
  15. Darksun20


    Stall is a playstyle that requires lots of thought process, we should be allowed to use all that time for our decisions. If the point of the timer is to give us time to make decisions while also making it so battles don't go on for hours without a timer, then the rule contradicts having the timer itself.
  16. Darksun20


    Odd of you to assume. Can you elaborate your thoughts on this rule instead of turning it into a circle jerk or put the OP down?
  17. Darksun20


    Care to elaborate that reason if it's "for a reason"?
  18. Darksun20


    This is to vote against this rule: 3. Every match should be played out in a timely manner. Time-, PP-, Switch- or any type of stalling beyond reasonable usage is not allowed. Video evidence is required and without it we will not take actions. Video evidence may be deemed insufficient at Moderators discretion. Time-stalling: Waiting till the last few seconds to make your move on every single turn. PP-stalling: Using moves to unnecessarily extend a matches duration with no proper reasoning such as using healing moves instead of attacking. Switch-stalling: Switching your Pokemon around with no proper reasoning instead of attacking Reasons: 1. People who suffer from anxiety are impacted greatly by this rule as it breathes down our necks when making decisions. 2. Impacts the stall playstyle greatly, making stall unusable just because of this rule and nothing to do with the actual state of the meta. 3. Players who are not intentionally doing this to get a rise out of the other player are unfairly being reported and banned because of this rule. If not remove it, I propose a change that while I can't think of right now I'm sure other players can make a proposition that we can agree on. +1 if you agree and add your name to the petition.
  19. First of all, PP stalling and switching is part of a playstyle and switching is part of the game. Stall uses both frequently. Second of all, we have a timer. We should be allowed to use all the alloted time we have to make a final decision. You know what, I am going to make a petition to remove this rule. I am going to make a thread for this as well as ask people in game if they would like to vote against it.
  20. This rule has to be the most biased and unfair rule I've ever seen in a game. And here is why: In a match where decisions matter we should have every right to use as much time as the timer gives us to make a final decision. I seriously doubt people are deliberately "timer stalling" to get a rise out of the other player or concede out of frustration. How is it fair to be accused of doing something just because your opponent lacks a thick skin? Second of all, as someone who suffers from anxiety I bet you dollars to donuts many people like me don't touch PVP because of this rule. This rule breathes down our necks, we are forced to make a decision that we may not have wanted to make out of fear of being accused of timer stalling. 3rd of all, this rule impacts a certain playstyle: Stall. This is a very tough play style to get a good grasp on, I have met many stall players and they all agree that stall is a play style that requires lots of thought process, so the timer is our greatest weapon.. I can understand the frustration people have facing against them, but it's part of the game. A rule should not impact someone's own play style. In short, I suggest this rule to be removed as it causes more harm to the player base than good.
  21. Those are for regular abomasnow. And it doesn't matter, in fact it's good that it has alot of natures able to be submitted for a better chance to get the correct nature in case the sync fails.
  22. -1 This is an MMO, they are notoriously grindy for a good reason. That is actually part of the enjoyment some players get out of a game, the hours spent to get something is a very rewarding feeling once you do get what you worked for. I can understand before the Mega release the worry people had on how they are obtained, but our worries should be gone now as imho how they are obtained was handled very well.
  23. All I see is an aggressive complaint and no suggestion. Anyways, I will say that sure it does suck to have time wasted while you are lvling pokes at Cerulean but it's not like it's taking up too much time so I don't see why people are making a mountain out of a molehill about this change. It's a welcome change IMO.
  24. -1 as this would make trading the theme balls obsolete, it is so good for PRO to have another money sink in the game that breaths more life into trade chat.
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