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Everything posted by Luminetor

  1. I don't know why but I can't see all the posts, sorry again :c
  2. Oh sorry i update now the page Oh sorry, I had not updated the page, i offer 4.2m for naive
  3. Start the naive for 2m?
  4. you did not answer the questions for the application. I advise you to read the whole page on the forum
  5. We are analyzing your applicants. we'll let you know. Thanks
  6. we will contact you if you are accepted by the staff
  7. Guys, i need discord name with numbers, for example mine is Luminetor77#8258. can you try to pm?
  8. Hey[uSER=2225230] rajkkapadia[/uSER], we also need your name#0000 discord. We will evaluate your application, thanks!
  9. Hi guys, your apps will be evaluated by the guild staff. We will contact you on discord when our evaluations are complete. Thanks for your application and good day!
  10. Hi BbeauvaisS! I didn't understand but your application, we need you to answer the questions.
  11. Hi Xdare! we saw the app for the guild, but you didn't answer the pvp question.
  12. Ciao ragazzi, sono il leader di un altra gilda italiana del silver server. I membri dei Pandemonium, compresi i fondatori, sono qui nella mia gilda. Vi lascio qui il link della pagina della gilda dov'è riportato il nome discord mio e dei miei officers. Cercatemi su discord. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/109364-url
  13. Up
  14. +1
  15. Up
  16. I'm in cerulean
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