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  1. I want to evolve my scyther but there is no friend. How can I
  2. Whenever I log in silver server Its showing connection lost! When in gold server its logging in please help me
  3. Hi, it has been 2 hours that i'm searching an HA Sentret on route 1, i did encounter more than 100 sentrets and furrets, but i didn't see any message announcing frisk at the beggining of the battle. That's why i guess it doesn't trigger when a wild pokemon has the ability. I didn't check the abilitys with role play, so i might be really unlucky, but a discord mod said me to do the report so here I am. Have a nice day!
  4. Hello, I can’t talk to the Rhyhorn I tried to restart my modem, to restart the game nothing changes I cant do nothing, whereas normally you have to interact with the rhyhorn. What should i do ?
  5. Hi I was just wondering how much data the game uses per hour? I currently have no WiFi so I'm using my 4g
  6. Hello. I am trying to log in for 30min and I always get connection lost. Is the game down?
  7. Hello i guess there is a bug that going to a re-learner to learn a move and it just takes your money without having your pokemon learning the move. Happened twice to me today and hopefully i would like my 4k back please and thank you.
  8. hi i just logged in after a few hours of server down time and now its down again cant login any info?
  9. I had 2 characters, but now only 1. I can't access my first character. how can I do?
  10. Hello I am realy tilted atm I found latios after tried many location and when I spoke to him nothing happenned but my char was blocked. So after 10 min I tried to disconnect reconnect and latios had disapeared (and I didn't respawn in a pc so the fight didn't started). So I will go fight the boss for legendary to try but seriously I would ask for a simple force spawn of latios in my pc please. Thanks for attention.
  11. I know the servers seems to struggle daily. but I saw some people say it was back up an hour ago, yet I'm still showing connection lost. is anyone able to login to gold right now?
  12. Hello , I stopped playing for almost a year , when i try to log in now it tells me connection lost .. plz help id is : eagleeyesq8
  13. I downloaded the game probably around 30 minutes ago. maybe played for 5-10 minutes and then the server crashed and i cannot get back into either of them. Would love some help if its a problem going on for anyone else or if it was something i did.
  14. I want to climb on the Mossdeep City Space Station 2F, but the guard tells me the following: IM HOENN CHAMPION
  15. Hello, i've been playing for a few days now in Gold server nicknamed Demonemon141 yesterday i got my Ss Ann ticket by doing a quest on Bill house in route 25, by finding the book He give me the ticket, then i log out but now i dont have the ticket and cant enter SS Ann and cant progress the game any further Thanks
  16. Still asks for Pokémon with dig, even though I have a shovel
  17. I have a problem with my pokemon Clefable. I evolved the pokemon before teaching him the move Cosmic Power , now he does not learn the move Cosmic Power. If you can help me, I thank you
  18. I'm stuck in mt.pyre because the old man don't say the right thing.
  19. Why can't Gengar learn Sludge Wave? This move is coded in the game. Thanks!
  20. good evening....i want 2 ask..if i change gender...from male -> female will i be able 2 trade my only male clothes?
  21. was just curious but is it possible to transfer some items and pokemon from my old account in silver to gold? you see I had no idea until recently that I still had my old data from red so when the severs changed I just picked gold and started all over again so gold server is basically my main account now and was just wondering if I can take the stuff I had from my old account and bring it over or is that against the rules?
  22. Hi, after finishing all mt Pyre's trainer, i got a crash. Now i can't go down Magma hide out in jagged pass.
  23. server down ? we are 3 friends and play and the next second bam cant connect to the server ... its a crash or server restart ?
  24. Hello, i have a shiny dustox (caught as cascoon) and i was so excited i just evolved it right in the bcc. But then i figured it can't learn iron defence once evolved.... is there any solution to that? (i wouldnt post this if it was not a shiny :c) thanks in advance
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