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Found 16 results

  1. Hello I need assistance with trade evolving my haunter and rhydon.
  2. I don't understand why I can't access the game because I'm a newbie so I hope the publisher opens this account for me
  3. Hello, I accidentally bought 4 Big MS Medallions in the place of wanting to purchase coin capsules on silver, and i was wondering if a refund of the four were possible. I'm not sure if it is or is not, but if it is the assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hello can any staff member help me with a situation. I wanted a razor claw and said so in trade chat. 3 people then pmed me telling they had razor claw first person told me 30k but i dont have his name now but it started with *** I think. I told him where I am but then a second person told me 25k for razor claw so I canceled on the first person and went ahead with apologizing for the inconvenience. I successfully traded the razor claw and used it to evolve my weavile. But then the first person wasn't letting it go and probably reported me. I got pretty nervous and tried to apologize again but then he said gl tomorow and left the pm
  5. Hi Team, Need your help, I've done the Darkrai same with the Gengarite quest but I can't get through the tree after I talked to Detective Basile and have an error below. Can someone please help advise on how to fix this? To add I have 6 grass type level 100 pokemon below.
  6. Now pro released mega evolution. So i think h.a landorus can be used for sp attacker at pvp. Nowadays i saw pvp system, and i thought, h.a landorus is so weak hp ice high spd mega pokemon, ice type poke, skamory and spdef tank pokemons. In addition landorus is narrow skill range. So it suitable for pvp now. Plz lift the ban
  7. When I click on the link, unfortunately, it gives an error and closes the game; I can't log in. Additionally, when I start the game, black things appear from the sides. Can you help me with this?
  8. hi, i have requested a name change like 4-5 days ago. on the dashbaord says it should take 3 days at max. im reporting this issue cuz many people have trouble with it, and maybe its a bug that staff people cant see it some times. regards
  9. Hello, I'm a kisame and I have a little problem with an npc, I have a friend who got stuck on the other side of the npc because of the background of the magazines and tables that are there, he asks me if he will move the table to prevent more people from game is bluge there I am in the hoenn region, fortree city in the pokemon center and with the npc that got stuck my friend has a title bird keeper roni, and that would be thank you very much I need the help
  10. Hello, I wanted to ask when the winner of this event will be announced: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/178521-pokemon-form-competition/ Are there winners? Cuz I think at least one sprite is already ingame. Did they win? Is there no winner? Just not announced? Its impossible that noone in staff noticed the countless new messages. Thanks
  11. When trying to download the most updated client, I am told "This hoster isn't available yet, please try again later." Could you please let me know when an apple client is planned on being made?
  12. This is a small guide to show you how to react to bugs/problems with the patcher. Error report and the information you should provide You should always provide following information: Patch version. This can be found in the F2 console. A screenshot is enough. Windows version. Always specify your Windows version. Folder path. Always tell us the folder path where the unpacked game is located. The client closes with the message Closing Client, but does not open the patcher This can have several causes. First of all, you should check if you have .NET Framework 4.0 or higher installed. If this is the case and it still does not work, please do the following: Go to the folder C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Temp\ (Replace YourUsername with your Windows username). Find a folder that starts with PRO_ and open it. If you have more than one, open the latest one. Start the ClientPatcher.exe. You should get an error message now. Should this be enough for you to fix it yourself, please do it. If not, create a forum post in General Support with the error message. Something went very wrong If you receive this error message, the patcher should create a patcherError.txt in your game folder. The error message should be in the same language as your Windows. Open the patcherError.txt with a text editor. The Windows editor should be sufficient, if you have no alternative installed. If there's an Access denied error message, deactivate your anti-virus program and try it again. Please inform us about the client version (32- or 64-bit) and antivirus program you are using, even if you are able to fix it. If it still does not work or there is another error message: Create a forum post in General Support with the full content of your patcherError.txt. Failed to load IL2CPP Failed to load IL2CPP or UnityPlayer.dll was not found is in pretty much all cases related to your antivirus program. It means your antivirus program locked or deleted files in your PRO folder. The easiest way to fix it is a redownload and to whitelist the previously missing files in your antivirus program. Antivirus programs might have a false-positive cause some of the game files are encrypted and not readable for them. This isn't something to worry about if you downloaded the client from our official website and not from a third-party website. To fix this you have to do following steps: Delete your current client. Deactivate your anti-virus program. Download the client again. Put the previously missing files in your antivirus whitelist. Activate your anti-virus program. Start your PROClient.exe. PROClient crashes all the time It doesn't really belong in here as it's no patcher problem but as this happens a lot after patches due to Unity updates I'll add it regardless. This might not help in all cases but proved to help in most cases: Create a shortcut for the PRO.exe and name it whatever you wish. Right click your shortcut and go to properties. After you got there you will find a textbox that says Target and then the location of the PRO.exe. Now type -force-glcore. (Add a space between .exe and -force) Hit Apply, and then run the shortcut you created.
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  13. For those who aren't already aware, the Red and Blue server has merged to make up the Silver Server, and the Yellow Server is now renamed as the Gold Server. If you played on either the Red or Blue server, you will need to merge game data files from both servers in order to play on the Silver server and have access to your past game data. We made this post to inform you of everything you need to know about the merge. You can choose to merge both accounts, or keep them, as shown below on this screenshot. Do note, if you decide to merge, then the story progress on one account will be deleted, but you get to keep all Pokemon, items, etc. How to merge: Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on the Merge message that appear in the page. If that does not appear, please switch to "My Account" or "Server Transfer" to make ti appear. Step 2: After that, make sure to pick the server you used to play on. Done! Make sure to select the right main server and read the General FAQ before you merge! ___________________________________________________________________ Q: What happens if my Pokemon and Items are over the limit allowed and I don't want to make a new account and merge everything into one? A: Items will cap at 999, the rest will be cut. And as for Pokemon, you will be forced to keep both accounts if the combined total is over the 1000 Pokemon limit. Q: I want to be able to choose which progress I use! How do I do it? A: Just as shown in the screenshot above, you will be able to select your progress from the server that you want. Q: I have legendaries on both servers. What will happen to them? A: If you have the same species of legendaries on both accounts, you'll have the option to keep both accounts, or to choose one of the two to keep. Q: What about my playtime? A: Playtime will be merged. Q: There is a guild on with the same name as mine on the other server! What will happen to my guild? A: All Guilds were deleted and leaders got reimbursed 400k. This is to prevent any collisions that may occur. Important: Guilds had one week to recreate their guilds if they have a guild post that was older than a week. Q: What are the new server names? A: Gold and Silver! Q: Does it take long to merge? A: Absolutely not. It's easy and quickly done. Q: I play PRO on my phone, can I do the merge with it? A: Yes, the website is phone compatible. Q: My account is banned, can I still merge it? A: You can't. If you are only banned on one server then you can keep both accounts, but you have to rename the account that's not banned. Important: If you are currently appealing then it might be better to wait for the final outcome and decide afterwards. Q: What happens to my mails? A: They will be merged. The sender will be changed to Eaty, but the original sender will be added to the title. Q: I need a list of all my guildies, is this possible? A: Yes, you will automatically get mails with a list of all your old guildies. Q: Do I lose something with the merge? A: Pretty much everything will be merged except the clothes you wear. The clothes you wear on the server you didn't choose as main server will be deleted. To prevent this you should take them off before you merge your account! Q: Not related to the merge, but when does Eaty recover my legendary? A: Good question and related to the merge! Legendaries won't be recovered anymore. If you want your legendary back you can do this: Choose the server you didn't catch it yet as main server Merge your accounts Fulfill the requirements for the legendary Catch it again! If you deleted your legendary recently then they can still be recovered. _______________________________________________________ Q: I'm getting an "Invalid Password" error, what do I do? A: If you haven't yet merged your accounts, please do so in your dashboard and it should resolve your issue. Q: I've already merged both my Red and Blue account but I'm still getting an "Invalid Password" error! What do I do?! A: If you have already merged your data for the Silver server and get an "Invalid Password" error when logging in, please go ahead and change your password here, ensuring that it is alphanumerical. Q: I accidentally chose the wrong main server and now all my gym badges are missing! A: This is why we added a confirmation box to ensure that players would select their proper server. However, staff can assist and unmerge your account if you chose the wrong server as main; note however that this offer is only available once and exclusively if you never traded on Silver server. In the worst case scenario, you will need to do your story quest over again, but you should have kept your Pokemon and items. Q: I merged my accounts, but some Pokemon I released are back in my box and now some of my Pokemon are missing! A: Please try to release a few unwanted Pokemon. Afterward, log off and back in, and the 'hidden' Pokemon should now appear for you. If this is not the case, please make a post in General Support and let us know as much detail as possible so Admins can assist you as efficiently as possible. Information like the missing Pokemon(s) ID numbers, Nature, Ability, may greatly help us as well. Q: I can't store some of my Pokemon and they are stuck in my team, what do I do?! A: Please take a look at This Topic. Regarding the Pokemon Limit: Due to the recent mass restoration of deleted Pokémon for some people leading them to reach a 1000 stored, following the merge process, it appears that a lot of people now think that the Pokémon PC storage limit has been raised from 900 to 1000. This is not technically true; the maximum storage capacity has always been 1000, hence the 67 visible boxes, however one cannot use any ball in battle anymore once one has 900 Pokémon. The extra storage space is for trades or Pokémon handed over, exclusively. So if you have 900 Pokémon—especially on Silver due to the merge fix—I would advise you to release a bunch before going out on a hunt. We unfortunately can't provide help for uncaught Pokémon due to the catching limit set at 900 stored, since Pokémon only get their data saved a couple minutes after the catch itself, or if the user relogs to force-save it (which is advised to do for valuable Pokémon to avoid any risk to lose it in a potential rollback if the server crashes). Re-spawning one of any kind is out of the question for ethical reasons, since it would be equal to spawning a new one, with different randomized stats and such. Apologies for the inconveniences caused; PRO Staff is doing their best to properly address your concerns and make the merge as easy as possible for all players. Please stay patient with us, and if your question isn't answered in this thread, please make a post in General Support with as much information as possible so we can assist you.
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  14. Hello, when I created my account and entered the gmail, I made a mistake typing the gmail, but the game accepted it anyway, but the real problem came when last year the gmail verification was added and how the gmail was linked My account didn't exist, it didn't ask me to verify my account or change my gmail, I know it's been a while but I was wondering if something could be done to solve it, thank you very much for your time. Alvarobra1018 its the name of the account and the linked gmail is
  15. My profile is not letting me play because I need an unobtainable email changed username: Biga513
  16. Can some one help me change my email to my new email?
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