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⚜️ PC Improvements ⚜️


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We need more space too, especially once we get more Gen 7 Pokemon.


Remember that it's not uncommon for people to have multiples of the same Pokemon for various reason, like having many good ones and unable to determine which one to sell/trash, or because they are syncs of various natures. And when farming, people can catch like, 50-150 of the same Pokemon, so there needs to be enough space for that. And then there are people who own a living dex because they offer dex service. And that's just the normal Pokemon. We also have shinies and various event forms.


Really, once we get Astrella and a lot more Gen 7 Pokemon, we ideally should get at least 20 more pages (20 pages x 15 slots per page = 300 additional slots) added to the current 60 pages PC box. Even better if it's 40 more pages to make it exactly 100 pages.


Even now, we already have people who ran out of PC box space. Clearing it is not as easy as you think, especially without the ability to properly sort the PC box's content. So we at least need a sorting system that affects the whole PC box, not just the current page.

Edited by Starlight
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  • 2 weeks later...

+99999 boxing system of this game is horrible


It was even more horrible at the start of the game, back when we don't have the search function yet. But yeah, we need more improvement, especially with Astrella coming, like I said above.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Might even be possible to search for types as mentioned above or even for Abilities or Natures as a quality of life addition (if that doesnt go too far)


The mass deletion is something I´d give alot for (thinking of sessions where I had to delete 10 boxes full of pokemon with each deletion having cooldown)

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