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Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New]


<r><QUOTE author="Listed"><s>

</s><POST content="103983"><s></s>103983<e></e></POST> fyi, your guide says HP EV in llex forest is at M/D/N but its only at night<e>

Sorry for it, mistyped. Updated.<br/>


best Combo Atk+Spd = route 4.</r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

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Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New]


<r><QUOTE author="Qylwok"><s>

</s><POST content="105299"><s></s>105299<e></e></POST> A good combo for HP & SPATK is at Route 6 with Psyduck, Golduck & Slowpoke<e>

Updated Thanks.</r>



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Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New]


<t>There is also a Atk + Speed spot at Route 37 with Pidgey, Pidgeotto (Morning and Day) and Vulpix (Everytime) for Speed, and Sentret and Growlithe (Morning and Day), Spinarak and Ariados (Night) for Atk. However, be careful because there is also Hoothoot, Ledyba and Ledian which give other EVs.</t>

Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New]


<t>Updated, Route 1 for speed ev.</t>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New]


<t>At the "Combo EV Sets" section, under "HP and Def"; you mentioned Muk. Muk gives you an HP and an Attack EV, not Defense.</t>




"You don't get another chance, life is no Nintendo game." - Marshall Mathers III


Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New]


<r><QUOTE author="Norbi"><s>

</s><POST content="108994"><s></s>108994<e></e></POST> At the "Combo EV Sets" section, under "HP and Def"; you mentioned Muk. Muk gives you an HP and an Attack EV, not Defense.<e>


<QUOTE author="IgneelDragneel"><s>

</s><POST content="108998"><s></s>108998<e></e></POST> awesome guide man <E>:thanks:</E><e>




Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


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