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Auction rules


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I agree that a change could be made to cause a neutral equilibrium between buyers and sellers in auctions, since it's not that balanced at the moment. I'll discuss with the staff team about this and hopefully we will reach new rules that will satisfy all parties then it will be announced. Also, everyone's opinions are welcomed. If someone can write any rules they suggest in a formal way, it will be looked at and discussed.

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One for all, all for one.

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The selling party should always hold more power in a trade than a buyer. The item that is being sold is theirs and theirs only until an agreement has been made.

The difference between the reversal which PreHax mentioned is:

A fake bid and retraction could have been accepted, the party fake bidding may not have the funds to pay the agreed price and has given the seller misinformation. That is against the rules.


A buyer reserving the right to not sell is nothing even similar to that.

It's just how it works in auctions in everything around the globe, why should PRO change this and give a buying person the right to whine and get a Pokemon sold to them for a price a seller isn't happy with?


That makes no sense, bud.

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If you have always the right to cancel a bid u can easily scam.

Just start the auction and a few min before the end cancel and start new as long as u get the offer u want.

So i dont know any auction in the world where rules like this are allowed.

If its a legit way auction goes all over the globe than rip world.

Just use the startbid as the minimum u want for the poke and insta is a bid overpriced but should be used if somebody really need the poke and is willing to pay more. The rest should be normal who offers the most wins.

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It's called a reserved bid.

An auction will start at under the reserved bid and if the demand isn't high, and the reserve bid isn't met, the item doesn't sell. That's how auctions work.

Auctions having a minimum bid which has been met should not be allowed to follow this practice since a reserve bid is usually only know by a seller and the auctioneer.


So the only thing I would agree to is if a seller minimum bid has been met they are forced to sell the Pokemon.

This will only increase the minimum bids to unrealistic resale prospects, which doesn't benefit anyone other than the seller.


Pointless even discussing it, there's no alternative that fairly distributes power in sales because it will always benefit someone more than the other, and in my opinion benefiting the seller is better than the buyer.


-1 remains.

Good luck.

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I think an auction system should be implemented. When I was a child, I played a game called Neopets, that had one that was very good.


The auction system should be done in the forums, however.


If you want to auction something, you choose the starting price, minimum increment, and time (anywhere from 30 minutes-7 days)


To bid, a player MUST have the money, and CAN NOT withdraw the bid after it's dont. When the auction ends, the player that wins the auction will get the item, and all the others get their money back.


I believe this would affect the economy positively, and lower level players would also be able to participate in lower level auctions, for example, their level 73 venusaur they used in the elite four, and players that just got the fourth badge might want to bid for it up to a value of 10-20k.

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It's called a reserved bid.

An auction will start at under the reserved bid and if the demand isn't high, and the reserve bid isn't met, the item doesn't sell. That's how auctions work.

Auctions having a minimum bid which has been met should not be allowed to follow this practice since a reserve bid is usually only know by a seller and the auctioneer.


So the only thing I would agree to is if a seller minimum bid has been met they are forced to sell the Pokemon.

This will only increase the minimum bids to unrealistic resale prospects, which doesn't benefit anyone other than the seller.


Pointless even discussing it, there's no alternative that fairly distributes power in sales because it will always benefit someone more than the other, and in my opinion benefiting the seller is better than the buyer.


-1 remains.

Good luck.

Auctions dont work like that, i can say that pretty well, i already worked/helped in a auction house, and auction houses have their own rules, you need to sign a contract

so you can not cancel even if the final bid is not what you want.

And you can talk with the auction house about the minimum bid.

At the moment bids in pro dont make any sense, if the seller want a X amount of money just say "wts [Poke1] 00k", not doing a auction and cancel it just because he dont like the final bid.


Sorry for bad english btw

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Auctions dont work like that, i can say that pretty well, i already worked/helped in a auction house, and auction houses have their own rules, you need to sign a contract

so you can not cancel even if the final bid is not what you want.

And you can talk with the auction house about the minimum bid.

At the moment bids in pro dont make any sense, if the seller want a X amount of money just say "wts [Poke1] 00k", not doing a auction and cancel it just because he dont like the final bid.


Sorry for bad english btw


Yes they do, I'm not entirely sure what kind of auction house you was working in where a reserved bid didn't exist. It's a very common placehold in auctions globally. Providing the seller and auctioneer are both informed, which I said previously if you read my post.

This post stinks of buyers trying to get power in transactions.


Like I already said, no matter what rules are brought in, it benefits either the selling party or the buying party.

A buying party should NEVER have more power in trade than a seller. I see a lot of complaining but absolutely no suggestions on how to change it.


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