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Ok, i can unterstand staff want a clean event without bug/glitch but so much player will lost interest about this event (me in first, im waiting and think will happens like in 2016)


Staff started so late event map/script i think, except if event need a new client i dont know about this.


You dont give any informations about where is the event, why he is late, you just said "No ETA here" We want to be reconforted and know what happens.


So have a nice day and cya.


CobraMK from Silver server.

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I really want Darkrai to be in this event, I don't care when they gonna do it.

It is hard to keep the game in balance with such a small team of Devs, so you need to be patient :)

Ok, i can unterstand DEV team are small but not only dev works, mapper/scripter and Artist work.


We are patient but every year event happens the 18th of October month but this year, its 1 weeks late, that will late event for me (i only play weekend and if 2nd partie got release after school start, i will not get some time to farm more.)

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If they just said something about whether it's going to be available or not ... I think asking or the right to have information is not illegal xD

Give false informations is banned but Halloween got confirmed but staff want to stay secret on this things (the only year)

Ok, i can unterstand staff want a clean event without bug/glitch but so much player will lost interest about this event (me in first, im waiting and think will happens like in 2016)


Staff started so late event map/script i think, except if event need a new client i dont know about this.


You dont give any informations about where is the event, why he is late, you just said "No ETA here" We want to be reconforted and know what happens.


So have a nice day and cya.


CobraMK from Silver server.


Hey CobraMK,


the reason why the Halloween event has not started yet is simple: It is not fully finished yet. I know I announced nothing new with that but thats it.

Indeed, we don't want to run a incomplete event and therefore it will only be released when it really is finished.


Why we don't give any information?

Well, we said there will be a event but not more. The reason for that is, we can't really tell you how much more time it needs.

We don't want to tease you with 'No ETA' messages but any other information regarding the progress of the event would be absolutely inaccurate and most probably a lie. Thats why ' No ETA'. Many people of the staff team are working on the event but keep in mind that this is a voluntary job and staff member also have a real life with the same problems everyone has. Means, sometimes there is much stuff done in a short time, sometimes not.


Anyway, just because the event is late compared to the last year, it does not mean it has a shorter duration or will be canceled.


So as small conclusion: The event is still not finished yet and we cant really tell you when it is but it will come. Please stay patient in meanwhile and stay tuned. :)


With this statement, I will lock this topic now. When the event is out, we will let you know by an announcement in our Announcement section and in our PRO Discord server.


Kind regards Xylos

Edited by Xylos
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