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Sand team help ( lost )


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Hi .


Recently, I found a very good ExcadrilI and i was thinking about create a sand team but i'm not good to find a synergy .


Tyranitar ada / relaxed ?




Tangrowth / Ferro ?


Charyzard / Heatran ?


Jellicent / Tentacruel / azumarill ?


I really want to create a solid sand team , but kinda new at this .


I wait the propostion , i'm not pressed i can hunt poke if i'ts really helpful just want to enjoy this team .


Tx and sorry for this english , peace .

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So you want to get into pvp with a sand team ok i guess, ill try to help or at the very least give tips.


First Zard seems like a weird pick for a sand team It doesn't benefit from the sand being up and doesnt really have any recovery options. So probably go Heatran.


As for Tangrowth/ferra they both are excellent for sand. While Fero benefis from it more, Tangrowth as excellent recovery options in Regenerater. So cant go wrong with either one.


now for Jelly/tenta/azu. Im thinking you wanted a water type to switch in on other water types. The best one for that is Jelly since it has water absorb, pretty decent bulk, and utility in willo, and pain split. Tenta is good also good if you really want the toxic spike coverage down, and can switch in on ferrothorns reliably. Azu is the most "nish" picks for sand. On one hand its a excellent wall breaker with choice band or can catch grass types off guard with its ha sap sipper.


As for the tyranatar being either ada or relaxed its all up to your prefrence and how you play. Theres no better or worse option here. You could say it will all be up to your 6th and final pokemon. It being either a powerhouse or a wall. if it is a powerhouse go with relaxed, if its a wall you could still go relaxed or ada.


hope this breakdown helps you on your hunt.

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a modest heatran will leave it vulnerable to ny mid fast pokes it cnt take a hit from water nor ground or fighting pokes more over i suggest u have rotom since u need a water/electric pokemon. because a gyarados can take ur whole team with a DD if it has moxie

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Hi .


Recently, I found a very good ExcadrilI and i was thinking about create a sand team but i'm not good to find a synergy .


Tyranitar ada / relaxed ?




Tangrowth / Ferro ?


Charyzard / Heatran ?


Jellicent / Tentacruel / azumarill ?


I really want to create a solid sand team , but kinda new at this .


I wait the propostion , i'm not pressed i can hunt poke if i'ts really helpful just want to enjoy this team .


Tx and sorry for this english , peace .


I say start with a ttar -speed and +def or sp def or +atk or sp atk. That's a good place to start your hunt

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Jellicent / Tentacruel / azumarill ?


Gastrodon? ;) Absorb water and is immune to sand dmg


Also magic guard users such as alakazam are nice, sand can break other pokemons sashes/sturdy


for sand stream u can use also hippowdon or gigalith. the 1st one has the greates bulk overall and can slack off itself. however tyranitar has great coverage, almost any nature works, and also can be used as pursuit trap


if u would like to test any of mentioned mons by me i can lend u any for short time (1-2d) on silver, or even full sand team

discord: luohan#1745

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