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Help Request - Newbies & Guilds


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Hi guys,


A bunch of newbie questions here! I tried lurking around the forums using search questions to find the answers, but I'm having no luck. Thanks for any & all help offered :CharYay:


So, I've been playing PRO for about a month now, and I was just sent a request to join a guild last week. At the time, I thought it was an NPC request for a quest, so I accepted.


Now that I've been on the forums for a few days, I see that it's a bit more complex than that.


Currently in PRO, I found where I can see my fellow guild members, who the leader is, and so forth.


However, where can I find (either within PRO or here on the forums) any actual information about my guild? I can gauge that because my guild has over 95+ members, that means I might be getting a 7% experience boost already. Is there a way to tell if I am, along with what other benefits I may be receiving?


I figure that the simplest solution is reaching out to someone in my guild...it's just that I have a hard time initiating contact with people, and am hoping that there's a way I can do this without having a direct conversation with anyone :EeveeShy:


Also, I normally log on with my boyfriend, and he says that my avatar has a pumpkin (my guild's emblem) over its head on his screen. On my screen, I don't see anything above my avatar, nor have I seen any guild emblems on top any other avatars I've seen running around in the game. So, I don't know what that's all about...


Anyway, I appreciate the time anyone has taken to read through my questions :RowletHeart: Thank you!


Edited by lKayuri
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However, where can I find (either within PRO or here on the forums) any actual information about my guild?

Some guilds have their own discord as another area for information and communication. Most big guilds also have a guild thread with information here on the forums. However thats completly up to the guild itself so maybe your guild does not have a discord or a thread.

I play on Gold Sever so I dont know your guild. Maybe your guild just exists to get the free xp bonus but I cant know for sure obviously.


On my screen, I don't see anything above my avatar, nor have I seen any guild emblems on top any other avatars I've seen running around in the game. So, I don't know what that's all about...

If a person is in a guild you should be able to see their guild emblem. Do you see the names at all? If not maybe you have it off in options.


Hope I could help you out a little.

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You cannot see the bonus exp being a guild gives you unless you fight pokemon or trainers (I have no idea why this is not indicated though). If your guild was in the top ladder last season you'll also get an extra exp bonus. The avatar you see on top of people's heads is their guild logo, you can't see yours but you can see other's (I also have no idea why). All guilds are different, some are pvp focused, some are socially centered, some use discord, some don't and only speak in the ingame chat... your only resort for now is to speak to guildmates and get to know what system they use. Good luck in PRO!

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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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This is really helpful info! On my end, I should check in my options to see if I've turned it off and that's why I can't see anyone's emblems. Maybe reaching out out to someone in the guild is really the best solution. I appreciate your help! :)

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Hey, i just start to play this game 2 days ago.

today i got stuck in jail without any clear reason while im trying to catch hello ponyta.

im not using ant cheat, bot, or etc.


i think i need some help, can someone gimme some advice ?

since so many people ask me to try battle and log out..

but it doesn't work.


so, if anyone could help, please let me know


Thank you

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