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Guild Island should be made more accessible.


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I completely understand the purpose of creating a guild island : it's indeed a good way to encourage people to play PvP more often, and since PvP is (or at least looks like) the ultimate purpose of the game, it encourages everything else, including spending money on capsule coins in order to be able to buy good pokémons. I have nothing against that all, on the contrary, I think this is a very good idea.


However, the fact that only the 3 strongest guilds in the game can access the island has a drawback that can already be seen : people who are strong at PvP or who at least have a good Elo are changing guilds to secure their top 3 spot. What does it mean exactly ? Basically, we'll soon have 3 guilds with the best players on each server (and, most likely, the guilds will be the same in both servers) and the other guilds will have no chance to compete at all, and I really don't think it's a good thing. Basically, a few hours ago, in my guild (French Connexion), half of the players left to merge with another guild in order to make sure they would have the guild island. Is that what you wanted by making the guild island ? Well, if it was the case, then you did well. If it wasn't what you wanted to happen, there's a simple way to make things more balanced, and that's what I'll be suggesting :

Each month, in the previous month guildladder

1st guild would have access to the guild island for free

2nd guild would have to pay 1 million for the whole guild to access the island

3rd guild would have to pay 2 million

And so on. Number 10 guild would pay 9 million and the guilds that are not in the guild ladder would have to pay 10 million. It does make it more interesting to reach the top of the guildladder, however it doesn't prevent anybody to get it. The prices I mentioned are not as important as the idea of letting everyone go to it because, as you have already understood, people don't love their guild as much as they would love having access to the guild island.


I hope i made everything clear and, of course, if you agree or if you don't, I would be glad to hear any argument.

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Guild island must remai something exclusive and its true that a lot of guilds will do anything to get a place in the top 3 spot but this will help to get more players in pvp beacouse waiting 10-20mins to play a game is very bad also about the part you said about the payment is just unworthy in my opinion tell me a guild that want to pay 10m to have access in guild island for just one month.. also the top guild usually searching players who has some rating so they can help them get the top spots and im not talking for 200-300r+ im talking for 80-100r isnt that hard reach 100 rating and join them

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Just a Greek dude.

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I think you do bring up good points that I also already predicted would happen before this island released and I think it does not truly benefit the health of the game the way it is now that much I agree with. Although I am also not going to say that giving all top 10 guilds access should be a thing either because honestly the player base of the game is too small that it essentially means the entire player base would have access regardless of if lower guilds had to pay an entrance fee or not. If you cannot beat them though just join them I think is the best advice to give you during these times, my guild trinity is the adaptation of three guilds realizing what they needed to do and were good friends with one another.

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Okay, so this reply is gonna be a bit heavy to take in. But it focuses on some of the most important things we should begin to think about.

Sorry in advance if you feel like I've hit a nerve or two. But if you cannot take a minor offense, then you should stop reading right now.


To first clear up in one thing:

Paying to get access to the exclusive island would not make things any easier btw. It would only escalate the issue even further.

As smaller guilds on the ladder would still lose players, even if it's limited to top 10 on the ladder, regardless of the small player base as mentioned above.


I honestly think that the guild exclusive island is kind of a facepalm situation. A bad idea that escaped and caused mayhem.

Like, where is an exclusive island for those who focus on fighting bosses and doing other PvE events? Why is PvP the only thing that matters?


[spoiler=In my opinion]Its the worst thing I've seen being added to PRO by far. Tutor Heaven was a good addition as it didn't give anyone any more advantages. Besides TM tutors.

But a guild island with a PvE boss that changes and wild spawns on top of all that? And a very detailed map design? That's not how it should work at all.



Pokemon has never just been about PvP to begin with. In the early days of Pokemon, the only thing you did was PvE. Only the newer Gens introduced PvP and made it popular.

But that doesn't mean you can entirely disband the concept of Guilds focusing more on PvE instead, whereas you can only focus on PvP to be rewarded.

That's not how it should work at all. The entire guild system is kind of a facepalm situation if you look at it from a non-guild member's perspective.


As stated above on the OP, it has caused a lot of issues, compared to solving any, if any at all?

People leaving guilds to get into a stronger guild? Possibly stronger guilds kicking players to get more powerful PvP players to secure top 3?

It has / will cause future guilds to disband / possibly scramble for powerful PvP players, and is that the development PRO really needs?


Where is the fun in being in a guild then, if you cannot get rewarded for your hard work? Unless you PvP your entire guild to top 3?

Do guilds really have to host giveaways, lend pokes or give out in-game items to survive from their own pockets?

While people in PvP Guilds don't really need to do all that, because PRO essentially rewards that guild exclusively?


But what should a guild be like then?

A guild is more than just PvP, it should be about bringing people together, to help and interact with one another. Not just about the better PvP players to secure top 3.


I know my post is probably gonna be looked down at with evil murderous eyes from those top 3 guild players.

Because they believe they've deserved it. But be real. Do you really think so? Well, I'll let you dwell on this while reading my point below.

And then you can ask yourself again, if you really deserve the reward, compared to the counterpart guilds.


Well while you're dwelling on the question above, let me tell you one thing.

The amount of time you've grinded for a high PvP rank, a few 1000+ players in guilds have used the same amount of time on helping guild members fight PvE / Bosses.

And yet you should be rewarded with something exclusive for your guild? And not the guild who help players out with PvE?


I just can't see how that is any fair at all for the counterpart guilds, who don't focus on PvP.

Or guilds that don't own the top PvP players on the ladder and can't at all even the odds.

Now, ask yourself, do you still deserve the reward? If yes, you don't see the bigger picture.


TL:DR: Just read it anyways Bleh.gif.f125745f69bff42b1d46bec5411a9803.gif

Edited by Electrocute4u
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I just suggested to add an entrance fee to guilds, but maybe the fee should be adapted to the number of players there are in the guild, say 10k per person and so on. It doesn't really matter how much it costs, my main point is to make the guild island accessible to everyone, even to non-pvp players like me. And, tbh, I find PvP so boring that I'd rather pay 1 million than score 100 points. I don't think the fee should be personal though, because it still is a *guild* island, so it wouldn't make any sense if one player had access to it but not his teammates.


I appreciate your answers, thank you for taking time to state your opinion.

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If the suggestion goes through, why not pay with pve coins instead of pokedollars?


Make it a goal for guilds to reach. Perhaps the top 3 guilds with the most pve coins contributed by the end of the season will have access to the island. It would be fun to see guilds competing to see who can contribute more pve coins rather than pvp rating.


This way, the guild island still keeps their exclusivity, while being able to give pve or non-pvp focused guilds a chance.

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Okay, so this reply is gonna be a bit heavy to take in. But it focuses on some of the most important things we should begin to think about.

Sorry in advance if you feel like I've hit a nerve or two. But if you cannot take a minor offense, then you should stop reading right now.


To first clear up in one thing:

Paying to get access to the exclusive island would not make things any easier btw. It would only escalate the issue even further.

As smaller guilds on the ladder would still lose players, even if it's limited to top 10 on the ladder, regardless of the small player base as mentioned above.


I honestly think that the guild exclusive island is kind of a facepalm situation. A bad idea that escaped and caused mayhem.

Like, where is an exclusive island for those who focus on fighting bosses and doing other PvE events? Why is PvP the only thing that matters?


[spoiler=In my opinion]Its the worst thing I've seen being added to PRO by far. Tutor Heaven was a good addition as it didn't give anyone any more advantages. Besides TM tutors.

But a guild island with a PvE boss that changes and wild spawns on top of all that? And a very detailed map design? That's not how it should work at all.



Pokemon has never just been about PvP to begin with. In the early days of Pokemon, the only thing you did was PvE. Only the newer Gens introduced PvP and made it popular.

But that doesn't mean you can entirely disband the concept of Guilds focusing more on PvE instead, whereas you can only focus on PvP to be rewarded.

That's not how it should work at all. The entire guild system is kind of a facepalm situation if you look at it from a non-guild member's perspective.


As stated above on the OP, it has caused a lot of issues, compared to solving any, if any at all?

People leaving guilds to get into a stronger guild? Possibly stronger guilds kicking players to get more powerful PvP players to secure top 3?

It has / will cause future guilds to disband / possibly scramble for powerful PvP players, and is that the development PRO really needs?


Where is the fun in being in a guild then, if you cannot get rewarded for your hard work? Unless you PvP your entire guild to top 3?

Do guilds really have to host giveaways, lend pokes or give out in-game items to survive from their own pockets?

While people in PvP Guilds don't really need to do all that, because PRO essentially rewards that guild exclusively?


But what should a guild be like then?



I know my post is probably gonna be looked down at with evil murderous eyes from those top 3 guild players.

Because they believe they've deserved it. But be real. Do you really think so? Well, I'll let you dwell on this while reading my point below.

And then you can ask yourself again, if you really deserve the reward, compared to the counterpart guilds.


Well while you're dwelling on the question above, let me tell you one thing.

The amount of time you've grinded for a high PvP rank, a few 1000+ players in guilds have used the same amount of time on helping guild members fight PvE / Bosses.

And yet you should be rewarded with something exclusive for your guild? And not the guild who help players out with PvE?


I just can't see how that is any fair at all for the counterpart guilds, who don't focus on PvP.

Or guilds that don't own the top PvP players on the ladder and can't at all even the odds.

Now, ask yourself, do you still deserve the reward? If yes, you don't see the bigger picture.

Some top guilds like mine have very active and nice community we may focus more on pvp but we are having nice time speaking in guild chat or in discord about a lot of things and not only for pvp i agree that pve guild should have a chance to get in the guild island maybe staff can make a ladder so the top 3 pvp guilds and top 3 pve guilds should have access to the island and ofc the guild island must remain something exclusive and not accessible for all guilds even for a high amount of money if the staff want to make guild island accessible for everyone then make a guild island for every guild for 20m per guild as the were thinking to do in the beginning

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Just a Greek dude.

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Some top guilds like mine have very active and nice community we may focus more on pvp but we are having nice time speaking in guild chat or in discord about a lot of things and not only for pvp i agree that pve guild should have a chance to get in the guild island maybe staff can make a ladder so the top 3 pvp guilds and top 3 pve guilds should have access to the island and ofc the guild island must remain something exclusive and not accessible for all guilds even for a high amount of money if the staff want to make guild island accessible for everyone then make a guild island for every guild for 20m per guild as the were thinking to do in the beginning


Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly saying that the PvP Guilds don't have a good time together in their guild, or that all of them are bad and hungry wolfs.

I'm just merely pointing out the fact that the Guild Exclusive Island was a bad addition to the game, and that it caused more issues than solving any.

Having set criteria for it makes it exclusive. But at the same time, it's unfair for a large portion of the player base.


I would rather get content that everyone can enjoy, rather than a few PvP top ladder players.


As for paying an entrance fee, sure, it can work to some extent.

But then again, the whole Guild system is outdated, so what good will that do?

It took a long time for something to appear in the "Manage" tab on the guild section in-game, and all it got was "Leave Guild".

The entire logo creation system is outdated, the rewards for hitting certain milestones are too high, you can't promote/demote someone offline.

You can't even invite someone who is offline.


The entire Guild System should receive a major overhaul before things like a Guild Island is added.

It doesn't benefit anyone besides a small portion of the PvP player base and it only further the case that things are being done in the wrong order.

And I guess the content team needs to take a step back and re-think what they've done. And someone needs to point them in the right direction.

Edited by Electrocute4u
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 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

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What about give a fixed and no limited way for guilds to reach guild island. Like each month, guilds with at least 5000pts in guildladder can acces guildisland. So everyone can do it without been block by others. Futhermore, more accesible island = more guild who will try to do it and so more people in pvp. Better than have 3 guild who will trust fitrst place by erasing others ( notably fusion problem) , what is sicky for future.

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