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Considering world quests


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Stop bumping, grrr. Now I actually have to answer.


I am currently discussing alternative usages for the Mysterious Tickets within our pro-content channel. Nothing is set in stone but a few suggestions came up.

  • Reset 7-days boss limit (single-player feature).
  • Gain 30-days Train Ticket (activated, not the item, single-player feature).
  • Submit tickets to gain Guild Island access (guild-feature).
    • Needs at least 20 (place holder number) submitted tickets from the guild.
    • Can only be submitted in the first week of the month.
    • Access expires at season reset.
    • Returns tickets if unsuccessful.

These are just ideas we collected within 10 minutes, we are still undecided. Suggestions are welcome.

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All the bumps were worth. Thanks for answering as I felt like this was a very important topic to make world quests more attractive again for a lot of people.

Giving the ticket itself more possible ways of purpose seems like a very good idea as it would fix the problem of having all legendaries. Also the people who feel like the risk to get a bad non-legendary pokemon is too high compared to the time they invested can just use the ticket differently.

Now I cant talk for everyone but already all of those quick ideas seem lucrative enough to make me do world quests again. Especially the guild island thing sounds very neat as you could do the world quest like a "guild project" to gain access to guild island. Would be a lot of fun for sure.

Maybe people will come up with even more suggestions towards world quests, looking forward to the changes.

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  • 3 months later...
On 8/2/2020 at 6:51 AM, Eaty said:

 Suggestions are welcome.



Well, one thing I now think really should be addressed as top priority: the non-legends in the island.


It always make players pissed off when they spend like, 5 hours to get 11 of the tier 8 target, only to get a trash 0x/0x/0x/2x/0x/0x IV pseudo with the wrong nature.


Oh and due to the timezone, that 5 hours could be during the time when they should be sleeping already, but they can't because the WQ would be completed by the time they wake up. So all those time staying up late means nothing when they see their reward is something that goes straight to the trash bin a minute later. You can't even sell a trash fully evolved not max level pseudo, nobody wants to buy that.

My suggestion: make it so that after catching them, we get one IV reroll or Master Ball for the next time we actually get a legend. This however, only applies if we still have possible legends to encounter in the island.

Or, at least guarantee that the pseudo will have decently good IVs that makes them somewhat usable. Like, 20+ in Attack, Speed, and Special Attack.

Edited by Starlight

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