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I totally understand that adding a better filter will take some work and I don't really think that should priority, but what about deleting multiple pokemon at once? Wouldn't that be easier to do?? I think that is actually the most requested feature for the PC Storage. Anything else can wait.

  • Developer
10 minutes ago, 666G0D999 said:

I totally understand that adding a better filter will take some work and I don't really think that should priority, but what about deleting multiple pokemon at once? Wouldn't that be easier to do?? I think that is actually the most requested feature for the PC Storage. Anything else can wait.

The problem is that if we add only one thing it might require two reworks instead of one which is not worth the time investment. We'd rather do it once and completely.

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1 hour ago, Eaty said:

Cambiar el almacenamiento de la PC es una de las funciones más solicitadas en Discord, en el juego y en el Foro. Agregar un solo filtro no es un gran problema, pero eso no ayudará mucho. Para agregar muchas funciones solicitadas por los usuarios, se requiere una reelaboración completa del almacenamiento de la PC, del lado del servidor y del lado del cliente.

Definitivamente es factible, pero no tan fácil como podría parecer al principio. Agregar cajas y hacer posible colocar tu Pokémon donde no quieras sin la clasificación automática es tedioso, pero posible. Cambiar la GUI para eso seguramente es un poco de trabajo, pero eso se debe principalmente a que no estoy acostumbrado a este trabajo.

El principal problema para la reelaboración del almacenamiento de la PC es un nuevo sistema de filtrado. Agregar un solo filtro es fácil de hacer, pero los usuarios quieren todo tipo de filtros diferentes. Podríamos agregarlos uno por uno y sobrecargar la GUI con filtros, pero incluso entonces habría más solicitudes. Es por eso que decidimos hacer un filtro similar a Discords donde puedes filtrar prácticamente todo y eso es difícil de hacer en el lado del servidor y del cliente.


Definitivamente volveremos a la revisión del almacenamiento de PC, pero tenemos muchos proyectos al mismo tiempo, así que tengan paciencia con nosotros.


I think it's a good job and understanding towards users


Click on picture shop of limit


1 hour ago, Eaty said:

The problem is that if we add only one thing it might require two reworks instead of one which is not worth the time investment. We'd rather do it once and completely.

Hm okay, I just know that you (not you as a person, you as in staff in general) already added something after the switch to python. We couldn't just type "rat" before and have all pokemon with those letters show up. That was added and ever since then nothing else.

I just really think deleting pokemon is the most important feature. Thanks for the response and I'm looking forward to the new system whenever it comes. 🙂

Edited by 666G0D999
6 minutes ago, CosaNostra said:

Hi, is it possible for players to create their own filters with the future storage system?

I think this quote from Eaty's answer should explain why they don't think that is a good idea.

And why they decided to go for a similiar filter like the one Discord has and not add filters based off user input.


Here you can see how Discord's filter system works, if you don't know it already:




 Here is the portion of Eaty's answer that would in fact answer your question.

19 hours ago, Eaty said:

[...] The main problem for the PC storage rework is a new filter system.

Adding a single filter is easily do-able but users want all different kind of filters.

We could add them one by one and overload the GUI with filters but even then there would be more requests.

That's why we decided to make a filter similar to Discords where you can filter for pretty much everything and that's hard to do server- and client-sided.


Edited by Electrocute4u

 EX Contributor 

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