Lyn1311 Posted January 16, 2022 Share Posted January 16, 2022 (edited) Welcome, Vesper Shop Here ! Hi, welcome to my shop!, iam selling some quest service like Megas, Subway, and Legendaries. All service available on silver, some service is available on gold! Contact for info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dungeon - ~~~~~ ARCHE DUNGEON SERVICE ~~~~~ Available on both server ~Arche quest 200k Requirement to Unlock Hoopa dungeon ~Hoopa Dungeon 750k Single run, 1 ring of desires, 1 hoopa normal, 1 shard ~Hoopa Unbound Run (6 ring needed for prison bottle) 1Ring - 500k 2 Ring - 900k 3 Ring - 1m3 4 Ring - 1m7 5 Ring - 2m ~Hoopa + 6 Ring Unbound form 2m5 Spoiler 1. Arche quest is requirement quest to unlock hoopa dungeon 2. we need seen data gen 6 from chespin to noivern to unlock arche quest 3. To get hoopa, we only need to clear dungeon 1 time 4. To get Unbound Hoopa, we need 6 ring of desires and 3 plate. To get 6 ring of desires, we need to do dungeon hoopa. 1 ring is reward from clearing dungeon 5. Requirement for service, must have gyaradosite, buginium/beedrilite, choice band, choice scarf, eviolite and leftovers 6. Eta hoopa 1-2 day, Eta unbound hoopa 3-6 day 7. Perday we can only get 2 run 8. For unbound, service only for ring of desire, plate not included ~~~~~PINKAN DUNGEON SERVICE~~~~~ Available on silver server only Meloetta - Complete dungeon run 1.2m Pinkan part 2 service - 200k Carry thru dungeon service 1.5m (No Share Acc) *Notes Spoiler 1. We only need complete 1 run to catch meloetta. 2. We CANT get Meloetta form with just 1 run. 3. I dont sell service for meloetta form. to be able change meloetta form, we need to gather 999 melody notes. Melody notes only available inside dungeon, we also got some melody notes after clearing dungeon run. To be able gather 999 notes, approx it need around 50-60 run. it can take 3-4 weeks Its very risky sharing id pass that long so i dont offer service for meloetta form 4. Meloetta is pvpable 5. ETA : the run itself can be done 1-2hr but ill said 1 day just incase lag/dc/maintenance or othe problem 6. Please note. If you just want meloetta, feel free to buy this service. But if you want meloetta form, the only way is learn and find decent party. 7. Meloetta spawn outside dungeon just like victini. We catch it anytime after dungeon finish. We can go to pc and bring sync/masterball 8. Carry thru dungeon service. You will come with me to enter dungeon, you only do 1-2simple thing i told and i clear all room and boss. It can take 1-3hr depend on rng. Yes you can also get meloetta even thou you ddnt do anything inside dungeon. Theres no need for account share for this carry service 9. I can only do 2 dungeon service perday, we need to wait gmt0 reset for next one ~~~~~CRATER DUNGEON SERVICE~~~~~ Available on both server ~ Victini Dungeon 1.5m ~ VIctini Dungeon Carry (No share acc) 2m ~ Baby Lugia Item (Time Flute) 1.2m ~ Victini + Time Flute 1.8m CRATER DUNGEON Requirement ~ Crater quest 200k ~ Unova dex 5k each ~ Zekrom 500k ~ Kyurem 300k *Notes Spoiler 1. To do victini need to finish following requirements : Kyurem, Zekrom, Unova Dex (snivy-Volcarona), Crater town quest 2. To get Victini we need to find all starmie Xmas inside crater dungeon and finish dungeon 3. To get Time flute we need to do speedrun dungeon crater with score 2.5k+ 4. Carry service not requiring share acc but impossible to get time flute 5. Please prepare 5 each following items : Potion, Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Revive, Revival Herbs, Sitrus and Lum Berry. Pots and Revs available at dept store or crater shop 6. Victini spawn outside dungeon and syncable 7. If buying victini dungeon service (1.5m) there is a chance to get time flute for free (if runs ends really smooth) but if not getting time flute, additional charge if needed for time flute is 1.2m. 8. Me and my party could run 1-2 run max per day and sometimes my party need time to gather or couldnt do run at all, better to make appointment first ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Megas!- ~ Mega Bracelet - 250k ~100k Each~ Abomasnow ~200k Each~ Tyranitarite - Slowbronite - Scizorite ~300k Each~ Alakazite - Metagrossite - Manectite ~400k Each~ Mawilite - Sablenite - Latis Twin - Cameruptite Sharpedonite Swampertite - Sceptilite - Blazikenite - Absolite - Glalitite - Gyaradosite Garchompite - Altarianite - Medichamite - Lopunnite - Pidgeotite ~500k Each~ Charizard Y - Charizard X- Venusaurite - Blastoisite - Gardevoirite/Galladite Event Limited Mega (Only available at special event) Gengarite - Khangaskhanite - Salamancite - Lucarionite *Notes Spoiler 1. Some price is negotiable. Example is Mega Blaziken, its belong to 'Mega Annoying" 400k per quest. But if you have good torchic that usable for mega quest (adamant/ Lonely/ Naughty, 25+ Atk, 14+ Speed), then price can be negotiated 2. If necessary for leveling or ev train, it will be on me. But it dont included on moves. Examples Kanto Mega quest, Ill do hunt, leveling, ev trai part, but not for moves. ill use ur acc for necessary moves. 3. ETA : >2hr Easy, >3-4hr hard, >12hr Annoying, >1 day Pain. 4. Please note, just because i mention time needed is 1 day, doesnt always mean it need 1 day to be completed, if there's nothing happen such world quest, maintenance, connection problem, etc it can be completed much faster. 5. Every pokemon that i catch during service will be mine, including epic/godly/shiny. 6. I dont take quest reward ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Z Crystal!- ~ 150k ~ Mew Crystal Mew ~ 300k ~ Kanto Crystal Pika, Pikash, Snorlax, Eeevee ~ 400k ~ Alolan Crystal Kommo-o, Alolan Raichu, Lyncarock, Mimikyu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Legendaries!- Price depend on difficulties ~200k each~ Celebi, Mew ~300k each~ Kyurem, Manaphy, Jirachi ~400k each~ Keldeo, Diancie,Volcanion, Creselia 1st Legendary Titan, all 3 Force of Nature, Lake Guardians, Genesect, Heatran, Trio Justice ~ 500k ~ Zekrom, Legendary Bird (1st Bird) Event Limited Legendaries (Only Available at Special Event) Shaymin, Babyxd, Reshiram Light Stone, Darkrai *Notes Spoiler 1. Requirement such time, caught dex, evo dex etc must be completed. Requirement for pokemon like lv 60 gyarados to catch heatran will provided by me. 2. *Optional! I can clear the quest but leave the catching part or ill catch it right away (ofc ill bring sync) 3. For Force of Nature, 400k for all 3, landorus, tornadus and thundurus 4. Max ETA is 12 hr for each quest 5. In case iam catch any wild shiny/ epic/ godly while doing quest, then it will be mine 6. For dungeon service, it could take while to gather the party 7. Please check requirement before quest Legendary Bird - Zapdos, Articuno, Moltress Spoiler In this quest, we can catch all 3 birds but for my service, ill only catch the 1st one. To catch the other 2 birds you dont have to do any more quest and you can just catch them right away after requirement is complete Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Sinnoh Champ Have 100+ Evo dex Legendary Titan - Regice, Regirock, Registeel Spoiler In this quest, we only can catch 1 Titan, The other 2 only available from Birth Island Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Access to Trainer Valley Hoenn Champ 250+ Hr Playtime Lake Trio - Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit Spoiler In this quest, we only can catch 1 Lake Trio, The other 2 only available from Birth Island Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Sinnoh Champ 500+ Hr PLaytime 75 Caught Data Pokemon Native SInnoh 220+ Evo Dex Lake Trio Halloween Skin is only available during halloween Trio Justice - Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion Spoiler In this quest, we only can catch 1 Justice Trio, The other 2 only available from Birth Island Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Finish Keldeo Quest (You can also buy keldeo quest service for 400k) Kami Trio / Force of Nature - Landorus, Tornadus, Thundurus Spoiler In this quest, we can catch all 3 Kami Trio Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Sinnoh Champ Tao Trio - Kyurem, Zekrom, Reshiram Spoiler We can catch all 3 Tao Trio but Half quest of Reshiram is Xmas Limited Kyurem Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Hoenn Champ Zekrom Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Finish Kyurem quest ( You can also buy kyurem quest service for 300k) Reshiram Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Light Stone quest from Xmas Dungeon Kyurem skin is not available anymore Zekrom and Reshiram skin available at Xmas Map We can fusion or DeFusion Kyurem and Zekrom/Reshiram at cave north of Eindoak Heatran Spoiler Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Sinnoh Champ 150 Hr Playtime AFTER Start Sinnoh Story. This detail can be checked at Prof at Sandgem Lab Cresselia Spoiler Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Sinnoh Champ Mew, Celebi, Jirachi Spoiler Mew Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : 100+ Hr Playtime Johto Champ Access to Carulean Cave 71+ Evo Dex Full Kanto Caught Dex except Legendaries Mew Skin is not Available yet Celebi Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : 150+ Hr Playtime Johto Champ 121+ Evo Dex Full Johto Caught Dex Except Legendaries Finish Mew quest Jirachi 200+ Hr Playtime Hoenn Champ 220+ Evo Dex Full Hoenn Caught Dex except Legendaries Finish Celebi quest Jirachi Skin Skin is Limited to Bug Catching Contest Winner Manaphy Spoiler Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Hoenn Champ Full Access to Eumi Park Manaphy Skin is not available anymore Keldeo Spoiler Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Sinnoh Champ 10 Revival Herbs 15 Leaf Stone Keldeo skin is Limited to Fish Catching Contest Winner Volcanion Spoiler Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Kanto Champ Volcanion Skin is not available anymore Diancie Spoiler Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : FInish Kanto Unlock Love Island Diancie Skin can be obtained at Easter Event Diancie Mega Stone can be obtained at cave where we catch diancie after we Fully train diancie Victini Spoiler Before Buying Service, Make sure You complete : Finish Kyurem quest Finish Zekrom quest Full Seen/Caught dex Unova (Snivy to Volcarona) Finish Crater Town quest Victini skin can be obtained if you complete Rocket Hideout quest at summer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Additional Quest- Subway Kanto - Johto 300k (including ditto quest, bike quest, fly quest) Teleporter Hoenn - Sinnoh 300k Z Ring - 300k Mega Bracelet 250k Crater Quest 200k Pinkan Part 2 Quest 200k Arche Quest 200k Spoiler 1. I accept payment after service is finish 2. Shop is off limit to ignored user 3. I have my waiting list, accept reservation for future service 4. I dont accept trade poke payment. Thnx and GlHf! Accepted payment *Pokedollars *CC 450k * IV rr 500k * Nature rr 250k For Information or else, you can contact me in ~ This thread, ~ Forum massage, ~ In game (ign Lyn1311), (N0che) ~ Discord Lyn1311 (Lyn1311#6556) For account information, only in discord, in game or forum private massage My Trainer Card and Collection :3 Spoiler Just telling :3, i wont risk 3 year collection to do anything stupid that can cause me got ban Edited March 25 by Lyn1311 23 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kgf Posted January 16, 2022 Share Posted January 16, 2022 Hello there, I want story service for all region 1.4m. I am not able to dm you can you dm me please. Discord = ▼Blue▼#6647 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alanunbound Posted January 18, 2022 Share Posted January 18, 2022 hey id like to buy kanto and johto services discord : lifenotdattebayo#1761 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isildurr2x Posted January 19, 2022 Share Posted January 19, 2022 hi i would like to buy story service for johto, hoenn, sinnoh, and both subway quest. 1.7m, i will pm you on discord 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subhammaster Posted January 20, 2022 Share Posted January 20, 2022 (edited) I buy legendary service keldeo and heatran pm me in discord subhammaster#8527 Edited January 20, 2022 by Subhammaster 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyn1311 Posted January 21, 2022 Author Share Posted January 21, 2022 (edited) On 1/16/2022 at 12:41 PM, KGF said: Hello there, I want story service for all region 1.4m. I am not able to dm you can you dm me please. Discord = ▼Blue▼#6647 Service done For 2 account. 1 account Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh 1.1m (completion time 2 day) 1 Account Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh 1.4m (completion time 4 day) Thanx Much! GLHF Edited January 22, 2022 by Lyn1311 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oshadowo Posted January 21, 2022 Share Posted January 21, 2022 i whould like to buy story service pm here or in game 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oshadowo Posted January 21, 2022 Share Posted January 21, 2022 i want kanto johto hoenn and sinnoh story + teleport hoenn 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyn1311 Posted January 22, 2022 Author Share Posted January 22, 2022 On 1/19/2022 at 9:43 PM, isildurr2x said: hi i would like to buy story service for johto, hoenn, sinnoh, and both subway quest. 1.7m, i will pm you on discord Service done (Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Subway Quest and Teleporter Quest) 1.7m Thnx Much, GLHF! 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isildurr2x Posted January 22, 2022 Share Posted January 22, 2022 amazing service, great communication, and really fast! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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