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Name: Pokeball Mystery Box


Description: A mystery box but with randomized normal or special pokeball designs inside.


How to obtain: Preferred at coin shop. (or pve coin shop?)

Edited by Mz6ren
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Discord: VRKass

Name: Zelf(Shiny NPC)


Description: Zelf is a npc which Dev can add in any event. Zelf will grant you a chance to catch a random shiny pokemon once you complete the event quest. The pokemon Zelf Grants you will not spawn again if you mis the chance to caught it, It would not be a tradeable pokemon like legendary and mega stones.


How to Obtain: Any Event

Name:synch tool

We need a QoL change for Synchable boss reward pokemons if we have a synch tool all problems would be non existent. Make it a coin Shop item either low price like 40 coin for every different synch or a high price item contains all natures that lets us choose the synch we wanted and can be changed whenever we want for a price like 600 coins.all the tools replaces something a poke does and synch is something that poke does so it makes sense

How to obtain:coin shop

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Name: Mini IV Reroll

Description: An item to reroll only 1 selected IV of legendry Pokemon.

How to obtain: Via PvP coin Master and PvE coin Master on paying 50 PvP Coins or 100 PvE coins respectively. We may restrict its use for twice or thrice on each legendary Pokemon so as to not anyone everyone get 31*6 IV's on any Legendary.


Edited by kishanb1112002
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Name : fixed/special escape rope


Description : send player to fixed pc. Example i set my fixed pc is vermi. Ill sent back to vermi even if my last visit pc is not vermi. And ill sent to my last visited pc with normal escape rope. Pretty simple and handy also wont effect money sink


How to obtain : any mart or pve coin. Can be sell around 2.5k same like if we use subway. 

Edited by Lyn1311
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  • Checked/Done 1






Name: PokeFesta


Description: A weekly event that top 3 get a random cosmetic anime based; (Like we have in Urahara boss for TZ Clothes)


How to obtain: an NPC will fight you in a 2-on-2 battle; Pokemons of the NPC are always random, no megas, dbond, disable allowed from the players; The 3 players with most wins against the NPC within an hour get a random cosmetic; The 3-25 players get 3 PVE coins and 2 Rare candies;

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