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20 minutes ago, finnderboss said:

that kind of toxicity already exists and admins deal with it even today.
oh noo a guy might write some bad words in the chat..... rly thats ur argument? xD

Not gonna spend more time on this but, you know a problem already exists, now you avoid admitting the idea would exacerbate it further.

The idea could be fun to some people to satisfy their ego, but that comes with unnecessarily complicating the system and guaranteeing more toxicities and work for staffs to follow.

+1 for your efforts thou.

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i laddered enough times that i have nothing left to buy from pvp coins since 2017 dude what blasphemous things do i have to read here...you obviously have no idea who youre talking to.
I wasnt even online for 2 or 3 weeks why would i log on to proof some newschool randoms that i could #1 any time i wanted to.
i write the coins part as incentive to push people like you in the direction of having fun while battling in PRO cuz the filthy tryhard people wouldnt change their playstyle without rating / ladder / coins reward.
and if "we" like pro like it is right now why playerbase keeps decreasing rapidly and everyone voted for UU and not OU back then?

It's not about the fact that facing the same teams. You can obviously build something funny and not totally off meta.
Adding those "rewards" will just make everyone spam low tiers and farm low skilled people. They won't even try to ladder at the end since it wouldn't be really worth, or they will play their main team at the end of the season to ladder, it will just break the PvP Economy (Prestige mounts/Reroll prices will drop), there is already enough abuse in PVE, don't make the pvp like that.
The meta changed during those last years with the introduction of new mons, abilities and moves coded but also the mega evolutions (Should we had Z moves yet?). Obviously it will change again with some  Gen7 pokemon (Hello Toxabest if not banned > Gren unban ? + Tapus). There is some cool pokemons in Gen7 which haven't been released yet.
Also, regarding the same teams in ladder, it's mostly because PvPers don't like to farm, they usually have 2/3 teams that they know to play and don't want to hunt/get out of their comfort area.

The only thing that could be done is another ladder with another tier but for that, we need more players. (Just watch Random ladders which is low, not a lot of players actually play in random). I don't think this will happen soon or later unless we get 3k players online everytime.

Guess, nothing else has to be added, good luck in PvP !
Cya :).


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Why u guys act like PvP could grant u any kind of income in pokedollars?!?!
1 win = 1coin = 10minutes = 25hours of straight winning for 1 reroll
cmon even if you 20x that its not even worth mentioning, ladder will still be the main income of pvp coins for sure.. most people play maximum 150 pvp games per year. 
with PvE you can make more than those 600-700k in 1 hour even after the recent patches. That means that right now pvp is like 1/300 as effective as PvE income-wise if u finish top 25 a couple of times.

and your other point was that people could spam many games with 1st evos?! xD dude exactly that was the point of this whole idea lol
if that would be any terrible im sure you can tell me who exactly would be upset about a situation like that.
the tryhards who will even have an easier time stalling you down? or the people who write suggestions like this? exactly, nobody would be.

Edited by finnderboss

why nobody has love left for wailord ledian tauros camerupt cacturne noctowl jigglypuff tirtuoga crustle klinklang garbodor vanilluxe rapidash durant heatmor snorlax jumpluff magcargo bastiodon piloswine miltank sceptile flygon lunatone solrock regirock relicanth glalie drifblim mr. mime carnivine lumineon probopass walrein archeops and all the other poke 💔

actually i misunderstood what you were trying to say with your suggestion my fault 
still -1 tho adding more coins is just gonna kill the prices of the whole main goal everyone has which is mounts and rerolls
BUT the idea is good for the pvp guy that gives missions tho they could add these ideas to it for weekly or even daily for extra coins so that way people dont just spam all day and end up with 100-200 coins in a night 

Edited by Kboww
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