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Missing Items. Swapping from PC to mobile.


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Earlier I put an eviolite on scyther then swapped to mobile from PC ( idk if this is causing this issues but im assuming so) then later it was gone and missing from inventory and pokemon. At first I didnt think much and just put another then it was gone again. Then I put a choice band and it was just gone too. I only have one choice band atm and its def. missing. 

 So im missing 2 eviolite and 1 choice band. Idk where they are; Ive check the pc and its not on a poke in there or anything. Hoping I can get them back obviously.

Thanks in advanced if someone can help me out sooner rather than later. ( i need for pvp lol)

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4 hours ago, Eaty said:

A video of the process which results in you losing an item.

 Hmm I wish I could reproduce what caused the items to vanish. But I really dont know what could have happened. People have said that pickpocket abi from a poke took them but I wasnt around any poke with that abi.  Can someone take a look at my logs around Wednesday at 2-4 pm? Im sure if someone checked they could see what happened but I think it was a bug from switch off my laptop to my phone. 

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Hello @ezelol. My apologies for the inconvenience.


Were you by chance training your Scyther against wild Pokémon? If so, could you tell me in which map and against which Pokémon?

There are several abilities and moves that can swap items, so that is a very real possibility.


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Yeah wild pokemon, monkey path... and the forrest below... then dragonshrine. Someone mentioned that nuzleaf could have taken it but idk



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