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Removal of the emojis in the Trade Zones (specifically the Laughing Emoji)


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Please react to this suggestion with the laughing emoji to make it more ironic :^)

Note that I only suggest that the emoji gets removed IN THE TRADE SECTIONS. You can keep it anywhere else.


I'm not personally really affected by this but seeing certain players spam reactions to artificially troll an auction (specially towards newbies) is deplorable.

It is honestly getting obnoxious that players are spamming auctions and sale threads with laughing emojis to negatively comment on an auction because they believe it's "overpriced" or "incorrect", to the point where some players do it hundreds of times over weeks onto literally any person they don't like to personally target them. If you check the profile of most of the people that spam the emoji you will realise they do it indiscriminately against most auctioneers.


But what is the problem with an emoji? Well, there's not really an issue with one or two emojis, it's 2022 let's not be snowflakes about a laughing emoji either. The problem comes where, as stated in the Chat Rulesyou cannot comment on someone else's auction or sales, no matter if positively or negatively. Players are bypassing the rule by spamming emojis on auctions to avoid being banned because they dislike the auction (and they don't dare comment on it to get forum banned).
The current issue is that there's no real rule against reacting with emojis on auctions (and I don't think there should be). In my opinion, the reaction should just be removed from the entire Trade Zone. I don't think we need to punish players for reacting with emojis, these simply should be removed from the Trade Zone.


Players simply are not allowed to comment on an auction, whether you like it or not. If you have a problem with the auction, click the report button below the thread and a Trade Moderator will intervene. There is literally zero reason why any reaction should honestly be allowed there, whether positively or negatively. Imagine newbies trying to start their first auctions and all they get is negative reactions. Yes, a newbie is a newbie and they have to learn the game and prices are completely up to each individual's opinions, nobody can dictate them. It's as simple as that. Reactions should not be in the Trade Zone when there's literally a rule against commenting on other's sales and it is actively enforced.

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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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It's a little annoying but it doesn't seem to affect auctions where it hinders the pokemon reaching a reasonable and desired price imo. 


You're right though, it is a way of bypassing the rules and commenting on an auction so it would be great if that was restricted and enforced when it comes to the emojis 

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I think the laughing emoji is a way to respond to someone's post without getting off topic/criticizing someone doing a trade or auction that you think the price or record for is incorrect.

1 hour ago, Bhimoso said:

you cannot comment on someone else's auction or sales, no matter if positively or negatively.

As you said above,no comment oot🙃

HaveanicedayHitoriGotoh__BocchiTheRock-ezgif.com-resize (2).gif

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  • Administrator

I would like to start in the first place clarifying that it's impossible to actualaly limit the use of a reaction in a specific subforum.


The whole 'takes one minute to fix' argument is honestly disrespectful and ignorant, cause it's literally speaking without not even having the understanding of how the system works. It's basically like if I (irl job 3d designer / animation designer) would be trying to explain someone who's a mechanic since dozen years how to repair a car despite I have never touched a car before.


Honestly speaking I'm not planning to remove said reaction from the whole forum just cause some person take reactions as something personal and have meltdown and go mad when those are added.

Reactions do not create any problem to the auction it self (like someone above stated) which proceed smooth, contrary to how words would do since words have the power to actually move away possible buyers (e.g mentioning price is too high, pokemon is bad, etc).


Needless to say, there's actually a line between using a reaction and actually harassing someone. Using reactions in general won't cause any problem to the auction itself (like stated before), however when the same laughing reaction is applied from the same user to the same person (see spoiler below), then it becomes harassing and staff generally takes action.

See for example this user, Patino, who used laughing emoji to spam toward who he dislikes (pretty much):



Staff in these cases obviously take action, it's something natural to do since this is harassing.


Following your example, should I remove the heart emoji cause if used someone could misinterpret it like someone is trying to stalk you?

Not important, but laughing reaction actually works like 'likes', therefore increasing reputation of the account it's applied on.

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21 minutes ago, Shinohara said:

I would like to start in the first place clarifying that it's impossible to actualaly limit the use of a reaction in a specific subforum.


The whole 'takes one minute to fix' argument is honestly disrespectful and ignorant, cause it's literally speaking without not even having the understanding of how the system works. It's basically like if I (irl job 3d designer / animation designer) would be trying to explain someone who's a mechanic since dozen years how to repair a car despite I have never touched a car before.


Honestly speaking I'm not planning to remove said reaction from the whole forum just cause some person take reactions as something personal and have meltdown and go mad when those are added.

Reactions do not create any problem to the auction it self (like someone above stated) which proceed smooth, contrary to how words would do since words have the power to actually move away possible buyers (e.g mentioning price is too high, pokemon is bad, etc).


Needless to say, there's actually a line between using a reaction and actually harassing someone. Using reactions in general won't cause any problem to the auction itself (like stated before), however when the same laughing reaction is applied from the same user to the same person (see spoiler below), then it becomes harassing and staff generally takes action.

See for example this user, Patino, who used laughing emoji to spam toward who he dislikes (pretty much):

  Reveal hidden contents


Staff in these cases obviously take action, it's something natural to do since this is harassing.


Following your example, should I remove the heart emoji cause if used someone could misinterpret it like someone is trying to stalk you?

Not important, but laughing reaction actually works like 'likes', therefore increasing reputation of the account it's applied on.



What kind of action is taken for the example provided of emoji harassment? (If allowed to share that kind of info) 

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Shinohara's response satisfied all my doubts positively (users can be punished for spamming reactions negatively - normal usage of reactions is fine - unfortunately cannot be removed from the subforum) and I'm happy with the answer so the thread can be locked. : D

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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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