Closecombat Posted July 2, 2023 Share Posted July 2, 2023 All spawn changes after July 2023 will be posted in here. Use: Spawn feedback thread for Feedback or he spawn system in Pokemon Revolution Online for general questions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Qeight Posted July 12, 2023 Share Posted July 12, 2023 August 1st 2023 All Summer Event maps are completely reworked including adjusted tiers, helditems, levels [live when the event goes live] There will be rotating starters for the hunting quest (either you hunt for Team Magma or Team Aqua) -- NOT LIVE TILL ALL BUGS ARE FIXED The new forms are all available on the event map Safari Rework for Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh all spawns were re-done to be adjusted to our current tier system, helditems, levels 12h rotation spawns for Johto Safari -- NOT LIVE TILL ALL BUGS ARE FIXED EXP Rework for early and late maps in all major regions adjusted levels based on public testing and internal testing fixed tiers, helditems for all re-adjusted maps added some Pokemon from later regions in the early story adjusted the MS experience for story players with having access to late gen Pokemon early on adjusted some of the Repeltricks some adjustments were made to be closer to the original games with these changes EXP areas kept self-harming moves on a few common Pokemon - self-harming moves will be entirely removed from any map that was adjusted and in the future they won't exist (any map that gets touched, will get their self-harm moves removed) Mid/Late stage areas reworked (Nap Island, Leev Island, Trainers Valley & Valley of Steel) Nap Island: reworked all maps with the concept of "sleep/nap" in mind adjusted all tiers, helditems and level Leev Island: Leev Island is entirely MS-only reworked all maps and adjusted all tiers & helditems Trainers Valley: reworked all maps and adjusted all tiers & helditems level range was reduced to 30-37 to manage all self-harming moves all maps have a map related theme to them (e.g.: Monkey Path is very focused on monkeys) Valley of Steel: reworked all maps and adjusted all tiers & helditems the common theme is steel the areas price increased to $7500 from $5000 5 Your appeal will be replied to as soon as the case handling staff member is available. We are all just volunteers with real life responsibilities, other interests and limited free time. Spamming your appeal will not yield a faster reply. Bumps every 24 hours will not(!) increase your chances for a faster reply. Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your question on the forum due to it being of use for others. Please use the proper forum as well. Unsolicited messages will be deleted. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Qeight Posted August 11, 2023 Share Posted August 11, 2023 August 11th 2023 All Summer Event maps are completely reworked including adjusted tiers, helditems, levels There will be rotating starters for the hunting quest (either you hunt for Team Magma or Team Aqua) -- NOT LIVE TILL ALL BUGS ARE FIXED The new forms are all available on the event map Adjusted the following maps: Route 25 / Route 5 for the Abra repels Changed Route 36 fixed Kanto Safari area fishing spawns Eriyadu Sulfur Pools receveived changes Breakers Beach received changes Update on summer maps post launch Replaced Mimikyu with Alolan-Exeggutor in Vulcan Fair Added Alolan-Diglett in Vulcan Cavern Alolan-Geodudes should no longer explode in Vulcan Lava Pit and Vulcan Cavern Cave Your appeal will be replied to as soon as the case handling staff member is available. We are all just volunteers with real life responsibilities, other interests and limited free time. Spamming your appeal will not yield a faster reply. Bumps every 24 hours will not(!) increase your chances for a faster reply. Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your question on the forum due to it being of use for others. Please use the proper forum as well. Unsolicited messages will be deleted. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Qeight Posted August 29, 2023 Share Posted August 29, 2023 August 28th 2023 Route 201 - Added Repeltrick to Swirlix - Fixed tiers Alto Mare Secret Garden - Removed Espurr (now in Kalijodo Path), Pidove, Stunky - Added Turtwig, Ponyta - Changed Misdreavus, Nuzleaf to M/D/N for balance Kalijodo Cave B2F (surf) - Removed Corsola - Added Marill - Changed Tirtouga to slightly higher spawn rate Kalijodo Path - Removed Turtwig (now in Alto Mare Secret Garden) - Added Espurr - Changed Grimer-Alola, Ralts to M/D/N Vulcan Cove (land) - Removed Clauncher (now surfing), Psyduck, Qwilfish, Shellder, Staryu - Added Azurill D, Corphish M/N, Panpour, Wingull Vulcan Cove (surf) - Removed Corphish (now on land), Shellder - Added Clauncher, Pelipper, Staryu Vulcan Cavern - Removed Cyndaquil, Rhydon - Added Fennekin, Vulpix Sinnoh endgame: Changed Pokemon tiers, items, selfharming moves, themes and more on the following maps: Battle Tower Route 225 Route 226 Route 227 route 228 route 229 Route 230 Stark Mountain Exterior Pt stark Mountain Entrance Stark Mountain Main Cavern Pt Your appeal will be replied to as soon as the case handling staff member is available. We are all just volunteers with real life responsibilities, other interests and limited free time. Spamming your appeal will not yield a faster reply. Bumps every 24 hours will not(!) increase your chances for a faster reply. Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your question on the forum due to it being of use for others. Please use the proper forum as well. Unsolicited messages will be deleted. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closecombat Posted May 22, 2024 Author Share Posted May 22, 2024 May 22th 2024 Tier and spawn % were adjusted on the following maps. Here the major change list for these maps, common and uncommon also got changed. Eumi Island Town - Added Gothita and Furfrou - Removed Sawk Eumi Island Theme Park 1 - Added Ralts - Removed Treecko Eumi Island Theme Park 2 - Added Chespin - Removed Mudkip and swablu Eumi Island Theme Park 3 - Added Froakie - Removed Munchlax Eumi Island Burned Tower - Removed Torchic - Added Fennekin Eumi Island Temple Entrance - Removed Ralts - Added Sawk and Meditite Forest Pit (grass and mountain are now one single spawn) - Removed Murkrow/snivy/Sudowoodo - Added Karrablast with MS Lake Cave (Land) - Added Skorupi and Gligar (Water) - Removed Oshawott - Added Tirtouga Hoenn Festival Cave - Added Torchic and Absol Hoenn Festival (Land) Added Treecko and Zangoose (Water) - Added Mudkip and Feebas Dragonspiral Tower Exterior (Land) - Added Tepig and Karablast - Removed Mienfoo and Golett (Water) - Added Oshawott and Frillish - Removed Clauncher and Tympole Eindoak Town - Added Snivy and Shelmet - Removed Gothita and Furfrou 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closecombat Posted October 9, 2024 Author Share Posted October 9, 2024 (edited) October 9th 2024 Tier and spawn % were adjusted on the following maps. common and uncommon also got changed. Mt. Silver Expert Belt - Added MS to Pupitar Route 111 Desert - Removed the double repel of trapinch + sandile and keep only the repel of trapinch - Removed the MS of trapinch but keep the MS on sandile - Changed common and uncommon in link with the region and area - Changed Castform for Maractus Edited October 9, 2024 by Closecombat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closecombat Posted October 18, 2024 Author Share Posted October 18, 2024 October 18th 2024 Angel Hill (land) - Fixed level of the area Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closecombat Posted 12 hours ago Author Share Posted 12 hours ago (edited) February 13th 2025 New maps + Spawn % adjustement to respect our current standart on all johto/Kanto spawns + some extra region maps like love island dock islands etc.. hoenn and sinnoh are WIP and the rest of extra region maps are also WIP Spawns change Tier and spawn % were adjusted on the following maps Some common / Uncommon got changed here the major change list for these maps Desert Lagoon Land - Changed Murkrow for Vullaby Water - Removed Hippopotas - Changed Totodile From D only to M/D/N Abandoned Desert Village - Removed Trapinch - Added Drilburr at D with MS - Added Sandile at D -Added Helioptil at M/N Amazon Forest Land - Removed Pichu - Removed Smeargle - Removed Tyrogue - Added Skorupi with MS - Added Shuckle Water - Added Skrelp with MS - Added Relicanth Amazon Forest Entrance - Added Chatot - Added Venipede with MS Desert Cave - Added Scraggy with MS Dock Island - Added Alomomola with MS Munchlax Resort - Changed pokemon in the area to have an eating/sleeping pokemon theme in the area Love Island Land - Removed wynaut/ralts/deerling/woobat - Added Riolu - Added Eevee Water - Changed Dratini From N to M/N But Removed the repel - Changed Carvahna From D to M/N/D - Changed Azurill From N to D - Changed Lapras From M/D to D Diamond Empire Foyer - Added Dweeble - Added Stunfisk - Removed Klefki/Carbink/Vullaby Diamond Empire West Wing - Added Klefki - Added Mr.Mime - Removed Sableye (Repel Moved to Diamond Domain B1F) Diamond Empire Ballroom - Removed Cryogonal - Removed Sandile - Added Carbink - Added Mime Jr Diamond Empire East Wing - Removed Sandile - Removed Drilbur - Added Timburr Diamond Empire Entry land - Removed Rufflet - Added Drilbur Diamond Empire Pathway Underwater - fixed all the tiers and species only Diamond Domain Main Cave land - fixed all the tiers and species Water - Added Cryogonal Diamond Domain B1F Land - Added Repel to sableye at lvl 26 Water - Added Starmie with MS Diamond Domain 1F Water - Removed Flabébé Breakers Trench Underwater - fixed all the tiers and species only Cape Of Palpatoo - fixed all the tiers and species only Breakers Beach - fixed all the tiers and species only Eriyadu Town - fixed all the tiers and species only Palpatoo Beak - Removed Palpitoad Pola Tai Lagoon - fixed all the tiers and species only Patch Log Kanto Spawns Tier and spawn % were adjusted on the following maps Some common / Uncommon got changed here the major change list for these maps Cerulean Cave 1F Land - Added Kangaskhan - Removed Yamask Water - Added Lapras / Starmie Cerulean Cave 2F - Added Chansey Cerulean Cave B1F Land - Added Mr. Mime and Metagross With MS - Removed Ditto / Skorupi Water - Added Dragonair Cinnabar Island Water - Staryu From N only to M/D/N Cinnabar Mansion 2 - adjustement spawn Cinnabar Mansion 3 -Changed Ponyta For Rapidash / Growlithe For Arcanine / Vulpix For ninetales Cinnabar Mansion B1F - Ditto From M/D to M/D/N Lavender Town Graveyard -Added Yamask M/D -Removed Golet Mt. Moon 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Moon B1F - Re order + Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Moon B2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Pallet Town Water - Removed Squirtle - Removed MS on Lapras Pokemon Tower 2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Pokemon Tower 3F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Pokemon Tower 4F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Pokemon Tower 5F - Added Golett with MS Pokemon Tower 6F - Added Nincada With MS Pokemon Tower 7F - Added Honedge with MS Pokemon Tower Underground - Tier and spawn % adjustement Power Plant - Removed Pachirisu - Added Electrike With MS Rock Tunnel 1 - Removed MS on Kangaskhan Rock Tunnel 2 - Added Absol With MS Route 1 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 2 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 3 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 4 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 5 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 6 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 7 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 8 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 9 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 10 - Removed Electabuzz Route 11 - Snorlax From D to M/D + Remove the snorlax repel Route 12 - Removed Minccino - Added Slakoth with MS - Added Repel to Snorlax (instead of the previous route 11 repel) Route 13 - Removed Chansey - Added Aipom and Minccino Both with MS Route 14 Land - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Water - Staryu From N to M/N Route 15 - Tier and spawn % adjustement Route 16 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 17 Land - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Water - Staryu From N to M/N Route 19 Water - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 20 Water - Added Wailmer with MS - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 21 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 22 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 23 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 25 Land - Added Buneary with MS - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Water - Added Psyduck Route 26 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 27 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Seafoam 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Seafoam B3F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Seafoam B4f - Added Sneasel with MS Tohjo Falls - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Vermilion City Water - Added Staryu N - Added Octillery With MS Victory Road Kanto 1F - Added Gligar Victory Road Kanto 2F - Drilbur is now MS - Removed Aron Victory Road Kanto 3F - Added Aron With MS Viridian Forest - Added Shroomish at M/N With MS Patch log Johto Spawns Tier and spawns % were adjusted on the following maps Some common / Uncommon got changed some times there is only Re order here the major change list for these maps Route 29 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 46 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Dark Cave North - Added shuckle dark cave south - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Sprout Tower F1 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Sprout Tower F2 - added Chatot with MS Sprout Tower F3 - Added Meditite with MS Route 32 - Added Croagunk With MS Union Cave 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Union Cave B1F Land - Added Woobat With MS Water - Added tympole With MS Union Cave B2F Land - Added Roggenrola With MS Ruins Of Alph - Removed MS on Smeargle Route 33 - Removed Shinx - Changed Heracross from D to M/D Slowpoke Well - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Slowpoke Well L1 Land - Added Carbink With MS Route 34 Land - Remove MS from Togepi - Added Cleffa Water - Staryu From N to M/N Route 35 - Removed Ditto - Added Elekid - Added Igglybuff - Added Chansey Route 36 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 37 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement National Park - Removed Sewadle - Added Scyther M/D Route 38 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 39 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 40 Land - Removed Repel on Corphish Watter - Added Carvanha With MS Olivine City - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 41 - Added Relicanth with MS Cianwood City - Added Frillish With MS Cliff Edge Gate - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Cliff Cave 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Cliff Cave B1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Cliff Cave 2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 47 Water -Added Binacle With MS all Unown adjusted tier in these maps Ruins Of Alph Item 1 Ruins Of Alph Item 2 Ruins Of Alph Item 3 Ruins Of Alph Item 4 Burned Tower Floor 2 - Removed Meditite and Chatot Burned Tower Top Floor - Added Magby Route 42 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 43 - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Lake Of Rage - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Mortar 1F Land - Added Bunnelby With MS Mt. Mortar B1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Mortar Lower Cave - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Mortar Northern Entrance - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Mortar Upper Cave - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 44 /!\/!\/!\/!\TIER CHANGE /!\/!\/!\/!\ - lowered Pidove From Rare to Uncommon - Changed Zangoose From N to M/D/N with MS Ice Path 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Ice Path B1F - Added Cubchoo With MS Ice Path B2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Ice Path B3F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Dragons Den Entrance - Removed Murkrow - Added Noibat With MS - Removed Ms on Gligar Dragons Den - Removed Swablu - Removed Carbink - Added Bagon With Ms Dragons Den B1F - Removed Bagon Dragons Shrine Land - Added Deino With MS Water - Added Swablu - Removed Lapras - Removed Dratini Route 45 - Removed Ms on Skarmory - Changed Gligar From M/D/N to M/N - Changed Skarmory From M/D/N to D/N Route 28 - Added skiddo with MS - Removed MS on heracross Mt. Silver Exterior - Removed MS on Skarmory - Changed Skarmory From M/D to M/N - Changed Vulaby From N to M/N - Changed Zangoose From M/N to M/D/N Mt. Silver Upper Mountainside - Removed Hitmonchan Mt. Silver Lower Mountainside - Removed Hitmonlee - Added Tyrogue Mt. Silver 1F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Silver 2F - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Mt. Silver Moltres Chamber - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Route 49 - Removed MS on Totodile Whirl Islands 1F Northeast - Removed Gligar Whirl Islands 1F Northwest - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Whirl Islands 1F Southeast - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Whirl Islands 1F Southwest - Tier and spawn % and pokemon adjustement Whirl Islands B1F - Added Gligar M/N Whirl Islands B2F Water - Added Staryu All kanto and Johto Spawns are now in line with today's spawn % standards Edited 7 hours ago by Closecombat 4 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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