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Hey, im Youngstermaxim. Me and my cousin CocaColaSniper would love to Join HolyDoof. We are friends of Redshankss and he recommended us to Join HolyDoof.


● What's your IGN? Youngstermaxim
● How old are you? 20

● Where are you from? Germany
● What's your total playtime? Round about 2.2k (Main account currently banned because of a misunderstanding).
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? PvP and Hunting
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) Not yet but maybe in the future.


As you can see my favorite mount is HolyEndoof 😉

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Hey im Cocacolasniper. As my cousin Youngstarmaxim already mentioned we want to apply for HolyDoof! 


● What's your IGN? cocacolasniper
● How old are you? 23

● Where are you from? Germany
● What's your total playtime? 1.694
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? PvPing and hunting my own OT´s and shinys
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) Not yet, if someone needs help we will try our best tho.


As you guys can see, HolySuidoof for president!!!

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  • Sale01 changed the title to Holydoof (Silver Server) - Recruitments are CLOSED!

● What's your IGN?
- Mugsmugs

● How old are you?

- 25

● Where are you from?

- Germany
● What's your total playtime?

- 300 hours
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

- Hunting Forms and PVE relevant mons
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)
(if not, it's totally alright!)

- EV training

- Level service


- Suidoof!



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  • Pinklax changed the title to Holydoof (Silver Server) - Recruitments are OPEN!
  • 2 weeks later...

My IGN is ShyTiny96, I am 28 years old from Canada. With the current playtime glitch my hours are at 3736hrs and 31 mins, after the playtime glitch is fixed ill still be above 2500hrs. My most favourite thing to do in game is hunt for pokemon, but I also enjoy hanging out with everybody too. Services I can offer for the guild are ev and lvl up services, and if u just need a friend I'm here for that too! My favourite Bidoof form is Raidoof, just look at those chompers! 


  • Like 3
  • Checked/Done 1

Please, provide a screenshot of your trainer card.



● What's your IGN? Theophidom 
● How old are you? 19yrs

● Where are you from? Nigeria 
● What's your total playtime?  I was close to 3k hrs before the playtime time 🐛 
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Hunting Pokémons most especially 25+ivs
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)
(if not, it's totally alright!) I do PvP still got lots to learn though, also I got a lot of Good PvP Mons that I can lend out

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ? Definitely Suidoof...quite funny looking

Please, provide a screenshot of your trainer card.

● What's your IGN? Zefirexd
● How old are you? 28

● Where are you from? Sweden
● What's your total playtime? 4k+ after the bug is gone
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Hunting doing pve content some pvp
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)
(if not, it's totally alright!) Not rigth now but I can help ev train/ level sometimes

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ? Raidoof I have Raidoof mount as well

Please, provide a screenshot of your trainer card.


● What's your IGN? : Torarudean
● How old are you?: 18

● Where are you from? : South East Asia
● What's your total playtime? : 3k+ after the bug is gone
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? : Hunting, dungeon, boss, and collect unique form
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? i dont have much to offer, but i can help to fulfill the slot for normal dungeon run if guild mate want to collect shard, also can help lend what i can (not have much)

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-among all bidoof  form exist in the game i love those 3 legend bidoof form the most, i have them in my collection and those form is unique one since its from limited event


Tora's event Shop

PRO ign : torarudean

Discord: torarudean


● What's your IGN? KDhaliwal0
● How old are you? 20

● Where are you from? Canada
● What's your total playtime? 1920 hours
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? hunting for event forms
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I have done daycare in past and be funny

My favorite form would be Suidoof



What's your IGN? Jeegolo, I'm friends with Jeflo and Moholin
PLEASE CONTACT ME HERE - Discord IGN : jeelette
● How old are you? 25

● Where are you from? Switzerland
● What's your total playtime? ~2k
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? I'm a completionist so pretty much complete everything, right now we want to farm the pinkan dungeon.
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) Participate in dungeon (especially pinkan)

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?


Capture d’écran 2024-06-23 204442.jpg

Edited by Jeegolo

Hi I'm friend with Jeegolo and Moholin and we would like to join the guild together.


What's your IGN? Jeflo
● How old are you? 25

● Where are you from? Switzerland
● What's your total playtime? ~2k
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Doing new quests, complete pokedex
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) Participate in dungeon 

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?






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