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Before anything is said, I take this post as disrespectful to me like.... "Intern" REALLY?? wow okay

Hello! The artist behind the summer Lapras here, I hear you and I have to agree the sprite isnt the best but then again i did have around 2 weeks of spriting experience and did the sprite in around 3 hours, I agree i can do much better and I plan on fixing it today and improving it but heres the thing, I submitted it to the devs and they said that if they see the need to fix it or something the Artist Team especially will tweak the sprite till they think its good so im not at fault at here they thought it was good (The outline on the cone was definetly tweaked and made worse imo but still)

Dont take any of this to heart but heres a bit of me letting out the flame because why not ❤️

What is your thought process? You see a sprite with a softer outline and a full colour outline and some particles and thats what makes a sprite good? Think a bit harder next time
Also what do you mean "water particles" do you soak your icecream in water before eating it? Makes no sense
There are shadows but i guess its easier to complain then to examine a bit. Ill end on this question. Where is your sprite in the game?


Dont like it dont hunt it, you want something better then make it yourself

Edited by 7robert7
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I honestly already like the sprite a lot and don't think it needs any changes.

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11 hours ago, Soppie said:




Let me react to all of the things you said.

First of all, with 2 weeks of spriting experience, you are an intern buddy, can't get around it 😅 not flaming you though

2nd, about my thought process, I did not say anything about the softer vs the full color outline, now did I?

The outlines I mentioned were the one around it's cone and it's mouth. I did not say anything about the full color outline of the valentine lapras, it just feels like you're mad because I stepped on your toes.

Although I do have to admit that I really like the full colour outline of the valentine one,  I don't reject the normal one.

Next, the water particles. I just think particiles in general makes things special, and since we're talking about a rare pokemon in it's rare form, this would be a way to make it special. And why water? Coz summer. But any other particles would work if it's within it's design concept.


'Do you soak your icecrream in water before eating is? Makes no sense'.

It's true, it doesn't. But the truth is it doesn't have to make sense, you know.

Does a giant sea slug surfing the waters carrying 3 children on it's back make sense?

Does a massive ice cream cone on said slug makes sense? 

Do heart particles floating around someone who is in love make sense?

No to all of the above. But it does it make it look cool. 


'There are shadows but i guess its easier to complain then to examine a bit.'

Yea, when squinting I can see 'em. But they are not rich enough. Darker would be better. And I base that opinion off the 2 examples I have in front of me.


'Ill end on this question. Where is your sprite in the game?'

Yea this is just a salty remark. 

You're basicly saying I can't critize your sprites because I don't make sprites myself?

I can critize stuff because I'm dealing with the stuff. I do put the hours in to catch said pokemon. And I do use this pokemon to play with, so yea that gives me the right, as a player.


That being said I critize the Lapras because I care about the Lapras.

I do like the design, like I said before. But it just some improvements.


If I didn't care about it, I wouldn't make a tread about it.

There are some bad, really bad forms out there I won't even bother mentioning, because I don't care about them.

I do care about the Lapras though as I feel the design has a lot of potential.


So don't be mad that I critize, I'm not trying to disrespect you.

Instead be glad I critize. Because with critizing comes care.


So coming from a player who CARESSSS,

you did a good job for someone with 2 weeks of experience, but the sprite does need some improvements.














if the artist team didnt change it after me submitting it, it means it gets a pass

The point of this competition was to get the whole community together tomake something and if we just let the PRO artists do the work, there would be no fun would there? IT would just be a bunch of non-special sprites without an interesting backstory

The sprite doesnt have outlines and particles because its supposed to be as close as it is to an actual pokemon game sprite. I dont know any of them in the main-stream games with particles and outlines

You cant just add particles and outlines to something and make it instantly better, thats unoriginal, youre missing the bigger picture. The actual idea of the sprite

The shadows on the valentines one and the summer one are the same, they use the same shading idea as the original pokemon sprite but just filled with a different colour.

Im sorry you had to go thru to catching it and whatever but if you didnt like it, why did you catch it or choose to hunt it in the first place? See

Shiny looking with cutesy stuff around it = very cool and le proffesional 👍


Edited by 7robert7
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On 9/14/2023 at 3:59 AM, Soppie said:



My suggestion is to update Lapras's summer sprite to be a bit more polished. 

When you compare both Lapras's summer sprite to it's valentine counterpart it looks like an experienced artist made the valentine one and intern made summer lapras haha 

Lapras is a rare pokemon. It's not a throw-away garbage pokemon like rattata or wingull.

So my suggestion is to give Lapras some love.

Don't get me wrong, I like the design aspect of Summer Lapras, it just needs some Wham!, you know, some Pow! Some Oof! 

I'm not an artist, but I think the sprite could use some of the following:

- Shadows

- Lighting effects

- Water particles (coz summer event)

- Better outlines, especially around the cone on it's back and maybe the tongue/mouth


I bet the veteran artists know best what and how to improve the sprite.

Thank you

look man i don't know much about the game and all but isn't the entire point of the game is that everybody gets a chance, not only is leaving the sprites to "veteran artists" incredibly demotivating, but the sprite is fine in it's own right
of course some sprites are gonna be better than others that's how art works, and if you don't like that then just make it yourself cuh

tldr: there isn't anything wrong with the sprite, you're just expecting 10/10 works from a COMMUNITY FOCUSED GAME

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