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Before I start talking, I want to say that the purpose of this post is not to hate the game, but rather to point out things that urgently need attention!

I'm going to mention it in topics, the order is not from most important to least important, I just want to mention it and see if I'm just finding the PRO very weak lately!

I don't consider myself an experienced player but I have played more than 4k hours LEGITIMATELY, unlike some users of the game...


- Economy

Extremely heavy economy; It is impossible for a new player to achieve things in trade chat just by buying things, pokes and items and cosmetics are OVERPRICED, or completely undervalued, and honestly the way of selling items/cosmetics and pokes in game is horrible and needs to be changed urgently.

The money in the game seems to depreciate the more time passes, the more it depreciates, as does the country where I live. You need exorbitant amounts of money to do something as small as a quest, or just buy a pokemon to do pvp/pve.

And the only ways to make money in pro are Hunt (massive, painful, tiring and takes days, hours... Months!) and you can end up frustrated for not being able to do it, Boss, high coldown, mediocre rewards, it could be more rewarding to win a boss on hard and wait 14d to do it again. Trade.... I don't even need to explain it because I said it above.... Services, massively tiring and poorly paid since in game everything you're going to do needs money and everything is absurdly expensive. In other words, either you become very rich with a Shiny rare epic, or you spend your life scamming people. Although the current player base is almost 80% just veterans...


- PvP
Pvp in pro is all about Stall, copied teams, and people playing for other people/helping.
When looking for matches you never find someone with a skill level equal to yours, it will always be someone who is in the top 50 or a starter who is just learning, it's rare that I take advantage and play good matches, regardless of the victory! It lacks many items, it lacks many pokemons to balance the game, it could have pvp types such as OU, NU, UU, UBERS... Hud and Log need to improve a lot, I don't see any reason why hazards can't be seen in the game. screen, important information that doesn't make sense to have... Not displaying the damage suffered in % is very harmful, forcing you to use Damage Calc to be able to play, since in game the information is vague, incomplete and sometimes even wrong/bugged!
Furthermore, nothing to say, the rewards are good and very exclusive to people who do PvP


- Game

The pro needs to reinvent itself, otherwise it will fall into oblivion, not only me but many other people simply FLIP out of the game due to the lack of relevant news, as well as false promises and advertisements.
Whenever there is an update, more of the same comes out or they don't comply with the announcement! This Christmas we ran out of rock ruff, why announce it? Why is a sprite in game not released to the public? That doesn't make sense!
Evo from kinganbit and ursaluna.... should come together with astrella, they announced it early and haven't released it yet.
In particular, I like the cosmetics, but no more useless skins, mounts and clothes, the PRO has stopped in time, I look at this game and I see myself in 2016, they could revamp the graphics, add some effect, I don't know, leave the game more alive and more beautiful.
There are items (I haven't checked if they are like this yet) but there are items with incomplete or incorrect descriptions!
The lack of translation in the game flops almost 50% of the player base in Brazil, it is absurd that our country has a player with great influence both in the media on YouTube and in the game, and there is no PT-BR translation, I'm not just saying for Brazil but rather one translation at least for the largest player base...
Even though I have a pretty decent computer, the game has constant disconnections, crashes and bugs that are ridiculous...


- Conclusion


The information may have become disconnected from each other, as my enthusiasm for the game is fading due to the carelessness of both the ADM and the community who seem to be trying hard to like the game the way it is! If necessary, I will make a new post with more details about different aspects of the game that need to improve for the health of the game! I played PRO for years, I was literally a child when I started playing, and seeing the game going from bad to worse over time makes me a little sad... I already queued up to be able to play during the Blue, Yellow and Red era. Today in the off season (outside of events) I already saw 300 players on! Xmas itself had some high peaks, but for short periods, the rest of the event remained at an average of 450 players and that's ridiculous. PRO is going from being fun to massive! as I affectionately called it Stall revolution Online or Hunting Simulator... anyway, see you later and I would like to know if anyone else agrees or disagrees with the points I mentioned during the topic.

A big hug to the community....




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Totally agree with you,I stopped playing this game first because of the prices of items,pokemon and second,the main thing,its all repetetive..I come to this forum from time to time to see new forms,but still,like from 2-3 years ago,only small updates,nothing new..

  • Like 2
9 hours ago, Deita said:

"50% da base de jogadores no Brasil"
Não estou dizendo apenas para o Brasil, mas sim uma tradução para pelo menos a maior base de jogadores..."



Ok turma, vamos fazer algumas somas!

Quanto é 5+7?

Good afternoon, do you really believe this statistic? You probably won't be playing the game directly, I said in the post that some information could be wrong and I'm referring to the current phase of the game, I don't even want to mention that the vast majority of USA and VIET are alts who live in an eternal hunting loop within the game. I pointed out extremely important things and if you just care about merely irrelevant information that is wrong, you are certainly one of those who cover their eyes with a sieve, therefore you are a very popular player in the game! I expected more from you. That's why the game isn't going forward and I believe that if they don't make a decision to change and update the game, maybe the game will die by the end of the year, retaining new players is [heck] and you know it! Some of the guys who are online have more than 1k hours and the few people with low hours are really new players, as I said, the game is infested with ALTS accounts and of course BOTS!

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, Yetzorf said:


Tudo o que peço é uma nova região ou novo conteúdo durante os eventos (não apenas novos formulários)

Mas tipo... se você está insatisfeito com o jogo (economia, pvp, jogo, o jogo inteiro), irmão... vá jogar um jogo diferente, ninguém te forçando, seja feliz

Good afternoon, you certainly didn't understand the purpose of the publication, but I respect your opinion, I don't know if you are new to the game or an old player. But you should know that this is not the first time that the Staff releases incomplete/bugged updates, or sometimes they simply don't add them to the game! The game's technical team must improve even more, because on Discord I can simply show reports from players with more than 3k hours with countless dissatisfaction with the game, and the player base deserves a good game, with fewer bugs and that satisfies their customers. players because we dedicate many HOURS of our lives to this massive game that almost always disappoints players... as I said to the players who mentioned in the post below yours, don't cover your eyes with the sieve, and regarding "play another game", "nobody forces you to play", that's really what people are doing and little by little I'm doing it too 🙂

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Amarelle said:

Concordo totalmente com você, parei de jogar este jogo primeiro por causa dos preços dos itens, Pokémon e segundo, o mais importante, é que é tudo repetitivo. Venho a este fórum de vez em quando para ver novas formas, mas ainda assim, tipo, de 2 a 3 anos atrás, apenas pequenas atualizações, nada de novo.

Good afternoon friend, and believe me, the game has several problems for its own health and durability, I've played several massive grinding MMOS, but PRO manages to be the most massive game of all, you will never, EVER have the things you always wanted in game if you don't dedicate HOURS of your life to it, I simply wanted to make small changes to my pvp team and I simply saw that I will spend at least 100 hours (hopefully) to make these changes, hunt for new pokes (hours) or buy them (overprice) and train them (it takes a few more hours) so that in the end you can test and see that the time and effort dedicated are simply not rewarded as they should... it's complicated... lately I'm trying to stay online in game, thank you for your response to the post, I would like the base player to say what they think of the game to see if those responsible realize the reality of the game.

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4 hours ago, Praveen00 said:

Atualização Gen9 quase 2 meses concluída ainda sem novos Pokémon adicionados, nenhuma nova região 

Good afternoon, I'm not even going to mention the fact that items are missing... I believe that the addition of all gen 9 pokes will never come (or it will take too long for that to happen) because even when we were in gen 7 we didn't have the entire dex complete . But according to the "relevant players" the game is perfect and if you don't like it just stop playing.... The carelessness towards the community in general is comical.

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