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Memebership prices


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Ima give u 2 words u should google and read a view articles about it if u interested why the prize has been increased.


Economy and Capitalism.


Have fun.:)



At the prize u mentioned i see u might be from Red Server, i wondering what u would say if some ppl want to have ~350k from you for ms. ;)

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175217 So I was playing about 2 months ago and I would buy ms's for like 150-170k a piece, now im getting multiple offers of 230-250k. I am curious to know as what it was that caused to increase in price, thanks.

A lot of people blame it on the Blue server players who come to Red when their server crashes and in doing so they increase the price XD


But like coop said it's just how economies work :P


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Welcome! I'm guessing this is your first mmo, but there's no reason to be alarmed though. You might have noticed that when the server was new that prices were cheap. This is because you can't make much money when you first start the game. But end game content provides lots of money and as more players hit end game, people are making more and more money. This means that the prices of everything are naturally going to increase since there is more and more money floating around in the game.


Incase you don't understand, if you grinded 10 hours, you could make 500-600k from killing pokemon alone. Selling membership for super cheap makes no sense when players make so much money. The only reason you can even buy memerships is because the price has increased. Imagine if prices were still 130-180k, you could buy 3-4 memberships a day at this point in the games lifespan. That means memberships would be in short demand and everyone would always be battling to buy them super fast. Consider yourself lucky. If you have the 300-400k to buy a membership then you can get one. If prices never increased and stayed at 130-180k then you would probably never have the chance to buy them bc everyone would be buying them in bulk from players selling or competing with each other.


The good news is that the membership price is a consistent 5$, this means you don't need to worry about all the above. Even if prices hit 1 million poke$ you can always buy one for a low 5$ pricetag. Enjoy!

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MS prise rose because less person are buying it with real money (thus it becomes "rare"). Less people are buying because of the server having frequent crashes. Price will decrease once people have more trust in the PRO staff to handle crash issues (inviting them therefore to donate more).


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