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List of Pokemon not to be used in ranked battle


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193268 actually its kinda hard to counter a lot of pokemons because the lack of orbs, and choise items...

Can you please name some? Thanks


i just don't get it why would you ban pokemons, if the game are not completely introduced all the counter/essentials items.


Blissey for example.

252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 864-1018 (121 - 142.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ Atk Life Orb Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 905-1063 (126.7 - 148.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO


Another example of pokemons without the orb/choise items.

252+ Atk Conkeldurr Drain Punch vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 516-608 (79.1 - 93.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Technician Breloom Mach Punch vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 390-462 (59.8 - 70.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

in the meantime Blissey can for sure cancel whatever your physical attackers wants to do, instead of forcing a sweep from her.


just for example. not that she needs to be killed every time with 1HKO but that's how its supposed to be. i don't like the idea of getting blissey banned just because we don't have a common item in the game.

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Please note that all those items, abilities and moves have been brought up already as an expansion to battle system. It's up to Shane when he will put them in to work and when he gets some free time.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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A lot of ppl who dont even battle ranked commenting here.. Please keep your opinions to yourselves if you are only basing them off of other battle systems.


No pokemon or pokemon combo right now, in game, is unbeatable. Sableye can be very annoying, specially with prankster confuse ray but it is definitely beatable. all u need is a strong fire type such as arca that nullifies wisp threat and you can beat it down. Strong special attackers also work.


I find ferrorthorn + slowbro combo scarier than slowbro + blissey as they both compliment each other well, countering the others weakness. But even that has weaknesses.


the only poke that need banning are uber legends. The whole reason they were made unobtainable was because they would be stronger than usual poke and no one would use other poke as a result. I understand the staff put a lot of effort and time into the game for our benefit, and i hold no grudge against any of them, nor do i blame anyone for using them in ranked (i would do the same if i had one, as long as its allowed). But if we were to ban any poke it would have to be the uber legends as they give a clear advantage to who ever uses them. You guys saying now that none of the legend owners are good battlers anyway, but thats not always going to be the case.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

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choice specs

193268 actually its kinda hard to counter a lot of pokemons because the lack of orbs, and choise items...

Can you please name some? Thanks


life orb,choice specs,choice band,choice scarf are to name a few alot of pokemon need these items badly to even be consider using toxics orb and flame orbs as well for pokemon with the ability guts also assult vest and eviolite needs to be coded curently does not work

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Blaziken will definitely need to be banned once protect is working. He was banned in uber tier for a while...


Fact of the matter is the meta revolves around which abilities are working. Designing rules for a super-fluid system is wasted effort imo. There are no current "OP" pokemon, just a few normal OU that actually have working movesets and abilities.


I have made a list of all viable + situational pvp pokemon in PRO and have outlined what parts of their kit are missing etc, maybe check it out :


Notice that of over 100 pokemon, only roughly 10 have all of their movesets and itemsets available. Most tanks use leftovers, we have that, so pvp is a just boring toxic regenerator stall extravaganza


PRO PVP pokemon directory made by me


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Guest YourMomGr

i just have to say that banning one poke can change the game's meta so be careful what you guys suggest..if you bann slowbro you will lose one of the best checks to garchomp and talonflame,if you bann blissey you lose a check to rain teams,and if you bann prankster sableye you lose a willowisp poke for dragonite garchomp scizor excadrill or gyarados,tankanine is another good willowisper(the entry hazard part was just ridiculous xD)this is a serious discussion that needs to be done by serious pvp players with the help of the dev and not randomly saying pokes to bann..it took years to smogon to make their game tiers

and just so you know there are more op poke coming soon in pvp..someone will have an epic amoongus with spore an epic speed boost swords dance blaziken and a prankster leech seed whimsicott and that would be the point that meta will change again..just help shane code choice items eviolites etc

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My input is, that I dont believe staff pokemon should be banned, since i've never had a problem with them, and i vs them quiet regularly, I also believe that they EARNED that privilege to have them on player accounts, and they should be able to use them in PvP if they choose so, also excited for new items to balance pvp,

Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


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You really can't ban pokemon other than the uber legendaries because the game's meta is based off of what is coded. Most of the things I see other people listing (blissey, sabeleye, and some others) are countable. It just takes a bit of creativity and knowledge of moves and types. Smarter, not harder.


Banning certain pokemon will drastically sway the meta. I'm more for the banning of certain moves, because it is unclear if they are bugged or not. (Outrage for example, I did not get an clarity on until my guildmate asked Shane earlier when he was on blue.) But bugged moves and abilities should stay banned.

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