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List of Pokemon not to be used in ranked battle


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205574 I agree the meta-game should be kept healthy.

But what is a healthy meta-game in pro? To end up in Showdown-pvp?


I think to face most favorable (cause most success) 80% stall teams with minimum 30+ mins cant be a healty state atm.

I never saw a gothitelle in ranked, letz say i face it in 1 of 10 or even in 1 of 5 games by now. I prefer this >>>>>>>> over 80% Stall-teams. And im sure im not alone with my thoughts.


Letz say we bring in Tier Uber, OU, UU and lowes. Good idea, i like, but is this healty for pro? 3 Tiers and u need to find a battle with max 1800 players online at same time. Healty? Hard to say, might take a while.


Is it fair to forbid players using pokes in ranked, where they spend a lot of time/money for getting them? For a good and fair PVP-Environment. Yes, u are right. So why we just dont delete whole rarity-system, get that breeding in and make it easy for everyone with 100h playtime to get the perfect team they want for pvp. Good for fair pvp games, but healthy for MMO-Environment? Hmm.

Not to mention not everyone likes pvp who plays pro. So every step u take to make pvp fights more interesting dont forget about all the other states of the game.


Tbh if i would see a gothitelle comp in each of my games, this would be boring and stupid. But now i see a blissey stall team comp in each of my games, this isnt just boring and stupid this is annyoing and time-wasting also.

So if we just ban gothitelle, u think the pvp-games are healty or "healty enough" again?

Well i dont think so. I think she is the only reason atm why ppl might reorder their team away from 90%stall and maybe 1 sweeper.


If we have all the choice/orb items etc in, i would say, letz discuss is it again for this new meta.

And i might agree with u.;) But atm, no.^^


I agree that the metagame isn't healthy. Gothitelle being the only reason people will avoid stall, though is downright wrong. Gothitelle is basically a counter to any non-offensive Pokemon. It wrecks stall and balance teams pretty much single handedly. No other Pokemon can do that to any playstyle. Stall is a problem, yes, but it has solutions. Once Gothitelle switches on you, you basically have zero options but to watch it Calm Mind and die. One is annoying to deal with and the other is clearly overpowered. The staff ubers got banned on the grounds of being overpowered. Why not Shadow Tag Gothitelle?

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205576 yeah everybody uses stall team


why can't everybody use h.a Gothitelle ??


Do we ban stall team ??


if everybody get a h.a Gothitelle in the team, there is no difference from everybody uses blissey, slowbro in their team


just go get one h.a Gothitelle, u trap me and i trap u.


everything is solved.


pretty fair, isn't it ?? just like everybody abuses blissey, slowbro


For all your talk about wanting the metagame to be healthier, you want another OP vs OP scenario? Gothitelle being on every team makes pretty much everything that isn't offensively oriented unviable. Bring out a balanced Pokemon or a pivot, and it gets trapped then killed. Stall is a problem, yes. But Gothitelle is too. It doesn't look like the problem with stall will be solved anytime soon, but the problem with Gothitelle can be.

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205584 if u build a tema with 6 offensive pokemons,


then h.a Gothitelle will not be able to trap any pokemons


and battle will soon be ended


u win or ur opponent win. it's way funnier than to battle with stall team.


The problem with this is is that offensive teams are viable even in a metagame full of stall. You can still use any playstyle, provided you have a game plan for stallers.


In a metagame full of Shadow Tag Gothitelles, however, no team is viable except for offense. Any balanced/defensive Pokemon you use will be trapped and killed. Our current meta is unhealthy, yes, but I'm pretty sure a meta with only one viable playstyle is much more unhealthy.

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To quote myself from a different thread on why Shadow Tag Gothitelle must be banned:

205551 It boils down to this:


You need to build a team around Slowbro to abuse him. That basically means stall is the problem. Not Slowbro. There are also viable counters, many of which have already been mentioned.


Shadow Tag Gothitelle, on the other hand, doesn't need anything else but itself to be effective. You can put it in any team and it will pull its weight. It cannot be countered in a sense that it will not switch in into something that can beat it. And when it does switch into something it can beat, it's basically dead courtesy of Shadow Tag. If that isn't enough, you're likely going to face a +6 SpA + 6 SpD Gothitelle afterwards. You can try to revenge kill it, but unlike its opponents, it has the luxury of switching.


Shadow tag as an ability must be banned. The need is less pronounced with Wobuffet because Encore isn't working and everything is packing Status moves or Setup moves. It turns battles into 1v1's. For all the talk about skill, there's more skill involved in pivoting around with Regenerator than there is switching into something you can beat and erasing it.

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205584 if u build a tema with 6 offensive pokemons,


then h.a Gothitelle will not be able to trap any pokemons


and battle will soon be ended


u win or ur opponent win. it's way funnier than to battle with stall team.


The problem with this is is that offensive teams are viable even in a metagame full of stall. You can still use any playstyle, provided you have a game plan for stallers.


In a metagame full of Shadow Tag Gothitelles, however, no team is viable except for offense. Any balanced/defensive Pokemon you use will be trapped and killed. Our current meta is unhealthy, yes, but I'm pretty sure a meta with only one viable playstyle is much more unhealthy.



there are still many ways u can build not full offensive team, uses baton pass, u-turn, Volt Switch, Whirlwind, roar, taunt, haze and etc

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205584 if u build a tema with 6 offensive pokemons,


then h.a Gothitelle will not be able to trap any pokemons


and battle will soon be ended


u win or ur opponent win. it's way funnier than to battle with stall team.


The problem with this is is that offensive teams are viable even in a metagame full of stall. You can still use any playstyle, provided you have a game plan for stallers.


In a metagame full of Shadow Tag Gothitelles, however, no team is viable except for offense. Any balanced/defensive Pokemon you use will be trapped and killed. Our current meta is unhealthy, yes, but I'm pretty sure a meta with only one viable playstyle is much more unhealthy.



there are still many ways u can build not full offensive team, uses baton pass, u-turn, Volt Switch, Whirlwind, roar, taunt, haze and etc


So you're pretty much conceding that any non-offensive Pokemon without those moves are screwed? So much for a healthy meta. Shadow Tag Gothitelle won't really discourage the use of stall either because it can fit right into stall teams.

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For all your talk about wanting the metagame to be healthier, you want another OP vs OP scenario? Gothitelle being on every team makes pretty much everything that isn't offensively oriented unviable. Bring out a balanced Pokemon or a pivot, and it gets trapped then killed. Stall is a problem, yes. But Gothitelle is too. It doesn't look like the problem with stall will be solved anytime soon, but the problem with Gothitelle can be.


Gothitelle solved the stall problem thats the fact for now, and the staff can simply fix this stall problem by adding more PvP core items.

PRO always been stall meta from the 1st day i start playing it, but now it even worse since REGENERATOR works make stall team even stronger since slowbro can be a very strong pivot.

I have no problem with stall team since they can be countered, but not for REGENERATOR SLOWBRO because we dont have enough power and working move to put it down easily like in POKEMON SHOWDOWN. And Gothitelle are the answer for it trap Slowbro so he cant abused REGENERATOR anymore.

And base on my own experience in PvP, when slowbro down most of the stall team cant do much anymore, and the game will end soon, which is proof how OP REGENERATOR in PRO.


The problem with this is is that offensive teams are viable even in a metagame full of stall. You can still use any playstyle, provided you have a game plan for stallers.


In a metagame full of Shadow Tag Gothitelles, however, no team is viable except for offense. Any balanced/defensive Pokemon you use will be trapped and killed. Our current meta is unhealthy, yes, but I'm pretty sure a meta with only one viable playstyle is much more unhealthy.


have you really tried PvP in Pro?

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